

Smile yes, today no one using it because here no one has time to smile everyone just busy with their phones , calls, social media, & so on I may think if we want to make smile anyone we want pay 💰huge rate to them 😳, you may heard about that lines " smile is the best medicine for all pains" from this lines I remember something and I want to share with you , in the month of august ,I saw a boy in my college he is an handicapped person without wheelchair he can't move anywhere I may felt so bad for him but he is really so enthusiastic about his life he just feels like he blessed with everything he didn't find any defects in him & he so admired me with his brave heart ... & I thought we all are blessed with everything but too we always finding some defect in our life.. but he just happily enjoying every second of his life and i think "How we all needs light at dark " that way we all need smile to kill our pains.. listen guys just enjoy every second of our life if the time pass nothing is return if you have problems need to find and solve not to stuck in that use your smile as weapons to kill your pains. every smiling person had a bad past which we can't imagine but they are not stuck their they crossed their bad days with their smile face as same we all to do ❣️
I may conclude it by a small quotes of Antony j. D Angelo :
" smile it's a key to fits the lock of everybody's heart" so open your lock with a beautiful smile .

Haseena ❣️
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