

Living a life
Life is not based on enjoyment or any other free style we have to be honest and be very gentle while living our life because we are to think of the people around us if you want to impress anyone you have to be patient, gentle, honest, loyal and be kind at all times so the basic life style is all about working for something you desire for if you actually want something you go and find it yourself like for example a man is looking for a job to keep his life busy in order to make a living for it the main why people actually work is to live a simple and perfect life we don't need money for a life if we can have this three main things about life which are Love, Awareness and happiness that is what I call a life you may be wondering why I wrote all this things well is quite simple this is to make you understand the true Reason of Good and perfect life when I was Just 5 years old my mom would tell us to live life to his fullness and I will be to be wondering what she mean by that until i met a life expert he told me the meaning of what that means you see you don't have pretend who you aren't because they are people around you who will love you the exact way you are get my point A poor man can't help himself if he doesn't get a work to do. Like it's said in the Bible man shall not live by bread alone, Why rich man sit and relax because he has nothing to worry about, the reason his that the rich man knows that's he is already rich he has nothing to suffer about Making money is satisfaction because if you where the richest person on Earth what would you do for the people you love and for the people out there that has nothing with them well as for me I will support the hospital center and help the poor out there looking for something to eat and shelter that the best way to show your nature out for the whole Earth Like take an example of those who actually upgrade the use of technology around the world like bill gate his goal was to upgrade the internet his maker is Microsoft Another one is Walt Disney his goal was to put a smile to the children faces that why he created a cartoon film his maker is Disney Junior that is how they are remembered as the people who actually help the world today you can also do the same if you have a special talent show it the world to bring happiness around you God Time is the best you know when we are dealing with something undesirable we are feeling depressing within us There is a wisdom of the head, and... a wisdom of the heart. Wisdom is definitely in our head you make use of it anytime and anywhere just like I have said we are bound to live life to it's fullness

© © RaymondGiftAlexande