

Cyan's choice
In a world where choosing the next living thing was an age-old custom, a young woman named Cyan pondered her future existence. She stood at the threshold of a choice that would determine her own fate for the rest of her life.

A passionate earthling, Cyan spent her days immersed in nature, admiring its perfection and working to preserve it. Her heart beat to the rhythm of the Earth, and her soul longed to connect with the normal world , but she was torn between her desire for human involvement and her respect for the animals that roam the Earth.

If she decides to return as a human, she will likely continue to develop, but as a creature she may also be personally exposed to the challenges the wild face. Wandering through a quiet forest, she met a mysterious figure named Elias, an ancient sage rumored to possess information she could not understand. The sage spoke of the interconnection of all living things, the patterns of existence and the special control of empathy.

“Your soul contains the intelligence of countless lives.” The wise man looked at Cyan with knowing eyes and said. “To truly understand the natural situation, you must immerse yourself in the essence of nature.” Cyan closed her eyes and sank deep into her own soul. A vision appeared. It was a huge hawk soaring into the vast sky, observing the world from a breathtakingly beautiful vantage point. Her possibilities, her elegance, her connection with the elements - all came to her to a great extent.

With her strong mind, Cyan made her own choices. She will experience the life of a falcon, soaring over mountains, leaping over valleys, and meeting the world through impenetrable deserts. As the sun sank below the horizon, Cyan felt her peace and sanity come over her. Whether by fate or simple faith, she knew that her next life would be an example of devotion to nature, an affirmation of the interconnectedness of all living things.

For those who doubted the possibility of resurrection, Cyan's choice actually reflected her unwavering commitment to the common world. For her, the essence of her being remained the same, whether soaring as her hawk or supporting her as a human being. She dedicated herself to preserving the splendor of the Earth for future ages.
© jaylinestarr