

Manekshaw with Bernard Shaw

Bernard Shaw was a king of his own in political satire and humor, although he was a great dramatist by profession. Sam Manekshaw was the great Field Marshal and chief of our army during the seventies when, under his command, Pakistan surrendered to India, and a new country Bangladesh was born. I thought of imagining a fantasy-like episode, involving these two Shaws. My imagination goes like this:

Bernard Show was writing a play for staging another drama. He thought of a strong and interesting character in his play that would make the audience sit erect throughout the play. He thought of many like Mussolini, Hitler, Alexander, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and many such warriors and leaders but could not fit in the role he was imagining. Suddenly, it struck him “How about Indian army officer Manekshaw? At that time Sam was a young Indian colonel. A couple of years earlier, Manekshaw was recognized for his bravery and smart strategy when he led his regiment successfully in the Pagoda hills while fighting against the Japanese Imperial army during world war 1942. In this encounter, he was badly wounded by multiple bullets. But he recovered dramatically. Bernard admired him after reading the news about this. He wondered “In spite of different careers in life, Manekshaw and I share certain similarities”. He was right. Both names contained 'Shaw' in the end. Bernard Shaw was a polemicist, (one who engages in a controversial debate)....