

Deception so deep
Once again, here I sit. Shockingly, not throwing a fit. Elevated enough to satisfy. Well, honestly, I like that outer space high. I'm still holding hands with the devil, pretending he’s not there. Positive I can speak for us all, we ignore the holy call. Satan draws the line most of of the time. Pretend To not see the ruins he leaves behind. Pretend to be OK while inside we die. We fight actual demons, yet don’t see them with the natural eye, just deny all the way up until we die. Why is this monster allowed to deceive the nations? And it goes on for generations. Blind to what is causing all the pain and hurt, you would think someone would want to convert. That day our Eyes open. So glorious and amazing to feel such wonderful emotion. Quickly forgetting the grace, run right back to the same ways that made me need God in the first place. Mostly brainwashed sheep not willing to take that leap. We either live for ourselves or for someone else. Once you get into the strongholds that make you miserable. They’re basically irreparable. God reveals himself. By that time, who can change everything they know about themselves? Seems a little bit extreme, right? Every child should have A fair chance to stand up to the fight of real life. No children live in fear. No youngster should be scared. Why don’t we all get a chance to learn the truth, and what’s right from wrong?. Life is too long. I just don’t think it’s fair. That there are actual demons in a realm most aren’t even aware is there. Why do some get to grow up in a home where everything is right and others in a fucked up situation where they have to fight? Never wanted to believe in the devil. Definitely didn’t want for him to take me to his level. OK, that’s probably enough for today being in my own head is where I avoid staying. Back to living outside this Brain, where the devil lives. Until we meet again, what gives? The lies and deception are so wide and deep we never realize how far we have steeped, The enemy’s camp is disguised by the liar who acts like an angel of light. The prince of this world loves to glorify the evil and show you horrible events and all the terrible stuff that’s going on in the world. He loves to glorify drug sex and self gain,. They say you decide your fate by the choices you make. Where you are now is because of decisions you’ve made. That’s true, but also there is an enemy of this world.