


Park Jimin|Student at Cypress University in the USA|Born in Korea but moved to USA soon after his birth|Loves Jungkook


Jeon Jungkook|Exchange Student at Cypress University from South Korea|Yoongi's cousin|Loves Jimin


Kim Taehyung|Student at Cypress University in the USA|Jimin's best friend|Loves Yoongi


Min Yoongi|Exchange Student at Cypress University from South Korea|Jungkook's cousin|Loves Taehyung


Kim Namjoon|Professor of Science and Mathematics at the Cypress University|Loves Kim Seokjin


Kim Seokjin|Professor of Literature and Art at the Cypress University|Loves Kim Namjoon


Jung Hoseok|Dance teacher at the Cypress University|Loves Lee Kiana


Lee Kiana|Music teacher at the Cypress University|Loves Jung Hoseok


🔞🔞🔞Warning:The chapter would contain LGBTQ+ content i.e. B×B love, erotica scenes, mature words, etc. If you are uncomfortable with these topics, you are free to leave.🔞🔞🔞

Love Love 💞💞
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