

Lost Some where In A State Of Disbelief
What you played money for that
oh no take it back so I tryed
And once I went to the store
it was gone.
So I rode the bus around the other location. And once I got off the bus
And was in front of the door it disappeared. right before my eyes
like people starting stuff and hiding behind the mess hmmm. But this was
not good so I ask someone else they say that's been happening all day. And then he says look up. And we see space ships and it looked like an invasion. But the
aliens was making things disappear
because it was sick of them. One alien
told another alien on the street corner there clothes don't fit right so they got
to go. Oh and the mouths on them
pure gutter before cleaned what is this.
Then I had to run me and another person
cause I didn't know why they was shining bright lights on me or her.
It was so crazy that it just didn't make
Spence so I left that area and I was
free and clear or so I thought go home and alien was in my place I bee waiting for you to come home all day so I could
do this. Then my mind went blank
And I walk like a zombie and got in a
car and drive off the rode in to a ditch
And I was knocked put and the music
played I got five on it. mixed with America America get yours before it's
© lashes