

Wings Was Placed On Me
The car lights are flashing as he running
for the rode someone is chasing him.
He shakes him and then goes back to the car. He lost him in a circle and it
on. Then he back on the road riding to the area where his woman got killed and he was like I want to smoke out this revenge. So he wanted to see what would come about. An something did
an her name was lady walking up to him with a gun wound saying help me my man shot me. And I been walking for miles help. So I put out my cigarettes flame and help her limping to my car put her in backseat and drive her to the hospital. But what I didn't know is that her killer was still watching her. And now she was with me in the car unknowning. As I was unknowning
he was riding dirty shooting at my car. Oh no you done shot at the wrong one. So I pulled my guns out and stopped the car. And I am angry to no you going to need a new body. Then I run up on his car as he watching me he can hardly believe that I am going to kill him. So I shoot and get him. Then I go to the car brake the window and robb him I can't believe he was a rich kill he had 38,000
Rupee's in the car. Damn I hit the jackpot this a slot machine kill. So I get the money run it to my car. But my problems where not over. Got her to the hospital. An left and started on my lonely quest. But I see these people eyeing me. Come to find out the monies I stole was the money of a man who was taking care of a bunch of people. Now all of them want to kill me. So I am running from bullet to bullets. And
fake lady's and bad set ups that had me relocating with a new found wealth.
Then I opened a super club and for 8years I was good until one night the father of the crazy killer came in ordered a drink and his men surrounded the place and told me my number was up and that they was the rightful owners of what I built. Oh damn this going to be another shoot out. An I did my best with my guns behind the bar. But I was no match for a bunch of people. So I was a ghost my spirit went out my body.
And then one by one in transition I got everylast person who had a hand in offing me. Then I made it to heaven and at the gates of pearl s the wind spoke and said. You should not have killed but you got a lot of dangerous people off this earth. And you saved a wounded victim. So welcome to the after life. Then he can finally rest but
it was still a great loss who is going to help the wounded women of the world.
Or provide a place to leave all your cares at the door and walk away from all your problems. When people keep a bunch of mess going even on the weekend. But you better then that and you go on doing what you do. Because Them yelling don't stop you. You sick and retired from normal itself you an angel so humans can't run you. The End