

Break up?

Is it so common to fail in love?
Is it so common to have heartbreaks in life?
Is it necessary that a person should stay with you to love them?
Is our love so fragile thay it depends on what the other person does?
Everyone dreams of a Cinderella love story in their lives but reality never lets it happen right?
But is it necessary to consider heartbreaks a big deal?
I mean why not celebrate it?
That now you can move in to a new phase of a relationship where you don't require that person to stay in your life in order to love them.
The thing is we value presence more than love.
Our love is so vulnerable that it requires dosage of many different things to keep it alive.
Maybe one fine day this will change.
Maybe one fine day we will learn to love without expectations.
Maybe one day you'll actually find your prince Charming whom you love without any conditions.
