

Googoo Herndon
Merlin Googie Herndon known as Googoo was born in Pennsylvania on December 2 1927 he is portrayed by Sir Calvin Nance in his YouTube skits and movies. Googoo is a caucasian old man and he is an farting grandpa he farts a lot and he uses the restroom in every appearance that he makes. This is Sir Calvin's 2024 character that got revealed in 2024 on Sir Calvin's YouTube channel called Sir Calvin's Movies. Googoo has a bad stomach problem he has bad diarrhea Googoo has a big belly he is dressed in a purple outfit a purple t shirt, and purple shorts. Googoo doesn't speak he is often week but he still can make it to the restroom Googoo's grandchildren comes to visit him they love spending with their grandpa they talk about his big belly a lot Googoo is a very big fat old man that is 96 years old he sits down and rub his big belly he doesn't care what people think about him and his big belly Googoo gets picked on about his big belly people don't won't to be squished by his belly people really don't won't to sit too close to him because his belly is too huge and they don't won't to be squished Googoo farts when he has company over he farts all the time around people.

Family Sarah Herndon (Mother Deceased) Opie Herndon (Father Deceased) Angela Stallard (Sister) Betty Reines (Sister) and Vichoo Herndon (Brother) Merlin Herndon Jr. (Son) Gurue Stillman (Grandson) Asia Stillman (Granddaughter) Adrian Durk (Grandson) Arry Durk (Grandson) Frank Underwood (Nephew)
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