

Parallelism Psalm 34

This is the song of david after visiting Ahimelec 1 Sam. 21:13-15

This was the time david and his men ate the food for the temple as retold by Jesus in Mt. 12: 3-4; Mk. 2:25-26, Lk. 6:3. Jesus also referred to Nu. 28:9-10 emphasizing that He, David and the High priests did not violate the law of the sabbath by eating temple's food

Ahimelec was the one in custody of Goliath's weapon after being defeated by David 1Sam. 21:9, 1Sam 17:51

David was thankful to God because he was spared by King Aquis after pretending to be a madman 1Sam. 21:15

God delivers the righteous out of fear. God gives power, love and sound mind 2Tm. 1:7, all of which overpower negative fear and doubt.

Those who look unto God will have radiant faces
Jesus face was radiant Mt. 17:2
Moses face was radiant Ex. 34:29

Repent and cry out to God and be saved from trouble. Like Jonah Jh. 2:2

The Lord encamps with and protects his people Ex. 13:21

Goodness of God is experienced like tasty milk 1Pt. 2:3

Saints are those who fear the Lord and keep His commandments Rv. 14:12

If you have God, you have everything . Disciples were sent without anything Lk. 22:35; 9:3; 10:4, Mt. 10:9, Mk. 6:8. Because God provides Gn. 22:14.

Guard your tongue, depart from evil, seek peace and pursue it 1Pt. 3:10

34: 15-16
The eyes of God is against the wicked 1Pt. 3:11-12

Note the difference in verse 6 "poor man" vs "righteous" man cried out. Also "saved" vs "delivered." In this sense, God hears both prayers --- sinners to save them from troubles; and the righteous, He delivers or keeps them out, prevents them from troubles.

"Not one of them was broken" refers to the bones of Christ not being crushed by Romans Jn. 19:36. It was also prophecied in Ex. 12:46 and Nu. 9:12 where the finest lamb was prepared for the "passover" remembering the day when the destroyer went past the redeemed people after seeing the bloodmarks on their lintels and doorposts.