

Very early in the morning, stood by the tree near to the ocean waters at the beach. Stood by helplessly, starring in despair at the very cool waters of the ocean that seems to be moving to and fro, due to the tidal waves influence. Suddenly, something rang in my cognitive mind at the moment, that the kind of life am living is totally comparable to the moving ocean waters irritated by the waves. In the mean time, my cognitive mind informed me that, it is not late until its late to regret in my life. Thereby, imaginations grew up and surrounded my cognitive minds, I had very little to do in order to come out of a very deep hole anxiety. Dilemma covered my entire thinking capacity hence living me no option to choose for my destined thoughts.
Here the story begin. My final decision was to hung myself. From far like the eagle with high intelligent quotient and focused, furthermore, I thought and said no for an answer and yes where the possibility is high, and I wasn't quick in decision making. I thank the soul creator for giving me wise thoughts that is mend to correct decision and ensure propelling forward without despairing.
Still at the beach, I decided to squat after standing for long while in deeper thoughts that had crowded my little mind. Moreover, I started to recall about my past. Five years ago since my parents departed out of this world, succumbed to a grisly road accident while on the way to attend my graduation at the university. In a sombre mood upon recalling this, tears roll down my chubby cherub cheeks, and the very time, I felt like suiciding myself because had became a pillar to my failure, that made me to come near to the ocean to decide for my destiny. In this case, my destiny was death, and I wanted to throw myself into the deep waters. I now realized something.
It was now in the afternoon, I heard a sound from far, a bird singing. "Kasuku" is a bird of blessings from my homeland, that when it sings with that very nice and convincing soft sound, is an indication that your life will gonna change no matter.
I stood up from where I was under the tree, and moved step by step to watch the bird 'Kasuku' that was on a tall mahogany tree. I smilled abit, looked up and glanced, a gain I smiled then the eventually eluded in the bush upon realizing my face.At the moment, I forgot a bout the poor thoughts that had dwelled in my mind. The poor plans I had for my destiny, the game changed, I now came out from the beach back home as a new person and anointed one and opened a new book for my life. The society still needs me as a young productive man, coming back to my concensus, from that day my life has never been in vain. Those who think that their life has come to the end due to an avoidable circumstances, should think twice before making a decision because to reach your destiny, it demands wise minds
© devylish