

A Thought From The Past
We all talk about thoughts, emotions and feelings like they are living organisms. Its often a human habit to assign a structure to it's function. So what would thoughts, emotions and feelings look like anatomically? We obviously can't see them but they do exist like the air we breath. The depth of our psychology seems so focused on what's outside that we forget to look inside. I've noticed that in today's view everything has a covering like a car, a phone etc. We never seem to consider what's inside that makes our life easier. Just the idea that it serves the purpose makes us feel that we know a lot. So why not look at thoughts, emotions and feelings as an outer covering with so much more inside that needs to be discovered? Maybe there is a structure with matter that opens our energy channels to greater levels of perception than we ever imagined. Let's meditate to know the thrill of the roller coaster ride within us. We might see the extraordinary us inside the ordinary us. To think outside the box is awesomely appreciated as we feel a growth in acceptance of many choices. However to look inside the box is great also. We can understand the mechanism within us that absorbs the willingness to grow and expand our horizons.
© Nabeel Yousuf