

Letter to my deceased father.
Although you may have not biologically fathered me sincerely from the most underlying parts of my heart that makes no difference to the fact that you have cared and taught me more than my actual sperm donor I mean my biological father.My so called father esteemed that I was unworthy to be his daughter so he bailed faster than a criminal awaiting prosecution , far long before my birth.
Even when you have succumbed from our physical presence you have been reincarnated in my heart and through me. You may not be present in my mist but you still guide me from your grave, your final resting place. You've taught me that when people can easily walkout your life that you should let them go cause The Lord does not see their purpose in your life and thus do not beg them to stay, for they will later sow and reep the consequences of their actions. Just as I , you were not liked by everybody but as you've said times without number that if everyone likes you then something is definitely wrong with you, so I thank you each day for these kind words that got me through some stormy weather.
When people I thought were friends turned out to be playing both sides , people who turned out to be fiends who betrayed me the first chance they got .
They smiled at me first glance they got just to show me they were just fooling me playing me like a grand piano but I was to naive to recognise true intentions from the conceided. I geuss one becomes blind of all warning signs when they too desperate for expceptance from your peers.
I remembered your words which you have spoken times without number and in each time you did sleeping dogs from my past experiences that have been playing possom awakened. You've said that friends that turn into enemies were your enemy from day one.
Though I try my atmost best to be a bit cold-hearted to have a "I don't care about nobody else but myself" attitude and I miserably fail and no matter how many times I give people the benefit of the doubt they always thank me with plate of B.S I never learn and just like that I'm left disappointed and blaming myself like I'm the freaking issue.
At that moment your voice echoes in my head saying"Sometimes you need to be a bit cold-hearted in that way motherfuckers won't take advantage."
Even though I grew up in the ghetto surrounded by nothing but poverty and my oh my sweet sweet mother I pray that The Almighty blesses her she's been to hell and back just to provide for I and my siblings making sure we don't go to bed hungry and that we had an education that once better than the standard of most public schools. I've been ridiculed and discriminated against by our society all because of where I come from and the tragic background of of this place though I've learnt how to suck it up and soldier on .
But even in the darkest hour your words have keept me going.
"Just cause you In the ghetto doesn't mean you can't grow".
I really wish I could mention all of your wise words that you've spoken while you graced mother earth with your presence that was worthy to be remembered and celebrated.
The words that I'd love to use to describe the gratitude I feel towards are yet to be discovered and although you were a misunderstood man of your time and many people were confused by your actions I understand that all you really wanted was liberty for our people and not just on paper but through actions as well.
I deem it my responsibility to not let your vision and memory wither away just as you did.
I may not do things the same manner as you did because amongst many reasons you were a one of a kind human being and no matter how many times you may reincarnate non of those reincarnations come close to you the original master piece the first Living homo sapien art of work in every way possible.
One other fact is that as the years have gone by times have changed and evolved everything has changed from back then the manner in which you did things is completely different from how you did things nonetheless we have one thing in common and that is we all want liberation not only on paper but in actions as well.
See I'll do every to the best of my ability to make you proud to hit the mark that you've put as the standard of greatness and realness in my personal life and in everything I put my mind to, I'll do my most to reach the bar but truth be told you are the bar.
I thank you so much for stepping in and filling in were it was just a vacuum , thank you for filling in the gap that my biological father left even from your grave your legacy still lives on and you'll never be forgotten.
~ From your illegitimate daughter
~You're most appreciated

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