

Sunrise: The New Start
In a small town nestled between rolling hills and a sparkling river, lived a young girl named Eliza. Eliza had big dreams and even bigger expectations placed upon her by herself and those around her. She was known for her intelligence, creativity, and boundless energy. But with each passing day, Eliza felt the weight of these expectations pressing down on her, often leaving her feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.

One morning, Eliza woke up feeling particularly disheartened. She had spent weeks preparing for the town’s annual science fair, but her project had not turned out as spectacular as she had hoped. As she sat by the window, watching the sunrise, she found herself contemplating giving up. What was the point of trying so hard if she was just going to fall short of her own and others’ expectations?

As she pondered, Eliza’s grandmother, a wise and gentle woman, entered the room. Noticing Eliza's distress, she sat beside her and asked what was troubling her. Eliza poured out her heart, expressing her fears and frustrations about not achieving what she thought she should.

Her grandmother listened patiently, then smiled and shared a piece of wisdom that had guided her throughout her own life. "Every day is a fresh start, my dear. Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability," she said, quoting John Wooden.

Eliza pondered her grandmother's words. She realized that she had been focusing too much on the end results and comparing herself to others, rather than appreciating her own unique journey and efforts. The science fair project might not have been perfect, but she had learned so much in the process and had given it her all.

With renewed determination, Eliza decided to shift her perspective. She would wake up each day with the intention to do her best, without the burden of unrealistic expectations. She would celebrate her progress, no matter how small, and use each experience as a stepping stone for the next.

As weeks turned into months, Eliza found herself growing more confident and content. She started to enjoy her projects more and learned to appreciate the learning process. She began to see setbacks not as failures, but as opportunities to grow.

Years later, Eliza became a well-respected scientist, known not only for her brilliant mind but also for her resilience and positive outlook. She often shared her grandmother's wisdom with others, inspiring them to embrace each day as a new beginning and to measure their worth by their efforts and growth, rather than their achievements.

In the end, Eliza's success was not defined by the accolades she received, but by the joy she found in pursuing her passions and the grace with which she faced each new day. And every morning, as she watched the sunrise, she reminded herself of her grandmother's words, embracing the promise of a fresh start.
© Pradip Hogade