

Let's get infected- it's not a story
It's said raise your hands in prayers for those who need the blessings of Almighty. But what I think is different from this prepossessed notion .I have clasped my hands and bowed before the Supreme Power for those who tirelessly worked, putting their life at risk in spite of knowing the fact that Corona is not only a virus that effects the human physically but in a long run break humans emotionally and psychologically, and have taken the responsibility to be in the driver's seat.

A normal human can get rid of corona after 14 days, with the ticking of the clock his body starts healing and, after sometimes forgetting all about his ailment, he moves on.

But what about those people who are infected with a different kind of virus and didn't want to get rid of it and wanted that virus to be there in them as long as they live ...

How courageous these people are who wanted to live with this virus ....a big question ???? Would I ever find the answer ?????

I can only assume that in this world one more virus exist ,we have been only talking about the Corona but no one talks about the aged old virus ,a virus which affects only a particular sects of people ..who devote themselves for others without thinking even for a second about themselves ...a virus -a humane Virus -a Virus of charity, compassion ,devotion, affection ,etc the list seems endless .

How quickly this Humane virus works really surprised me ,once this virus enters the heart, is activated ,and then the real work begins .How lucky these people are who are infected by this virus. If ,just a conditional, everybody would have been infected with this Humanitarian Virus ,the world would have been different. Alas! everybody can't .I thought of giving them name .... I can ...but will I be able to justify myself by giving them a tag ? Let me forget what's right and what's wrong ....we are fortunate and blessed to have Humane Virus infected Good Samaritans. We are surviving because of them if they we not , the land would have become barren without humans. May their magnanimous effort flourish with each passing day and may their community expand ,more hands joining together to save more lives.