

Nature of Homosapiens
People come into your life just to go far away,
firstly they run behind you and then compel you to run behind them just by giving you some so called expectations that really didn't exist(point is that you knew that)and leads to you in a situation where you can't blame that person and to yourself as well, you just become speechless( even when you are having a lot to say).
you knew that whatever the next person was saying it would never gonna be a reality but you just go with the flow and neglected all those hints which were somehow given by that person directly/indirectly or by the universe itself that whatever is going is not real and these hints it's a reality check that just make some distance from that person but you began to get more closer and then that reality check became your fate and you started think people come into your life just to go far away.

Moral: Overthinking is good and focussing more on intutions are better than accept everything even when there is nothing
© Joon