

the chanting of my past. the booming drums of the future.
I can feel it... Something pulling at me. Gripping tightly at my subconscious reality.. Louring me slowly, so i may fall deep within the illusions of my desires. There's a voice within me, And she is so enticing. An incomprehensibly angelic voice, beckoning me towards the impossible. But there is just a voice.. No physical embodiment.. I want so badly to break free from this reality.. I want so deeply to disperse into a new conscientiousness.. But The chanting of my past and the booming drums of the future echo profoundly within my heart and soul. My spirit suffers as its chained to the ground. Screaming and howling into the sky as i desperately attempt to break free! Jolting and lunging against the chains to feel them finally give way. Her voice beckoning louder, urging me to break free and leap into the sky.. But my folly's keep me grounded.. Reminding me that i am, but a mortal being.. Laughing as they see me struggle. I've climbed so high.. But still im limited to the ground. I've stood amongst the hawks but still my feet are planted; And still.. I feel the grip of disillusion tighten around my wrists. I feel the shackles of reality weigh down my aspirations.. My sight has become narrowed.. My motivation crushed by years of constant destruction. My heart pounds within my chest, beating violently against my bones.. The walls of my inner self are thinning and crumbling.. Crashing into the ground all over me.. Burying me within the remnants of my kingdom.. The castle of my mind. And yet still i stand, pushing against my chains; Screaming and fighting; forever fighting.. The pain only makes me want it more, it makes me try harder and fight more violently. Im a survivor. A warrior of internal conflict. I am both the attacker and the victim, constantly taking my own blows! The screaming remembrance of my failures brutally puts me back in my place.. "On the fucking ground". I have known suffering, i have known brutality, i have known true hopelessness and despair! Each incident burned into my brain as it only weighs me further.. But still, i push against the chains, i fight my own flaws and aim towards nothing but the sky. I wish to soar beside my highest dreams.. 
© deadlogicinc.