

A Difficult Time.
This is a Time of year that brings such joy to many. But for some it can be a very difficult time. so much going on , so much pressure. Feeling of aloneness, anxiety, depths of despair. How to face another year. How to get some peace if only for a moment. People will kill for a moment of peace and who they kill is themselves.
This depression, self doubt, thoughts of self harm so strong that it breaks the backs of many suffering from the constant pain and torture of Depression.
I have experienced encounters with this antisocial character and indeed it is very convincing with it's points of view and arguments .
If you listen to it's logic it could sway you but it needs to get you on your own when you are down and vulnerable .
It does not like other voices around that might see the holes in its argument.
keep you alone and vulnerable is what it wants.
But what does it do if it succeeds in its ploy. No- one there to taunt so it has to move on. It has no feelings for you just a waste of space , jealous and dangerous. Has nothing constructive to offer just wants to hold you back and keep you on its level.
Music and writing the tools I use to keep it in its place as far away and out of harms way.
My tears have been replaced by words and now I write them down to
share with you.

Happy Christmas readers and may the new year bring joy and creativity to you and yours.
© Conor Boland