

Truly Pleasurable Marriage
To succeed in marriage both spouses must be 100% available to one another on all levels of your relationship. You must be committed to one another's needs and not just the physical attraction or intimacy in order for the marriage to work . Being there for one another when faced with stressful situations, financial problems, and everyday life crises is the only way to know if your marriage is meant to be. Sharing the bad along with the good makes a worthy commitment. The worst thing one spouse can do is allow the other one to feel empty. When you can feel like best friends as well as lovers, you nailed it. Have fun together and be playful. Not everything comes with a price, you can play boardgames, go on a picnic or to a pond and feed the ducks. Playgrounds are not just for children. When you enjoy being with each other through thick or thin, you will have a truly pleasurable marriage.
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