

Crazy (Chapter 6)
Pepper is frozen in shock. She eventually snaps out of it and crosses her arms and looks away. Daphne tugs on her shirt. "Say hi."
"H-hi." Pepper stutters
"Why, hello Pepper." Draco stands up straight. "I didn't know you were the one who's been watching my sister all this time..."
"Yes, I am. I have... I have to go. My mom is finally home." Pepper stands up.
"Aww. Can't you just stay a little longer?" Daphne complains.
"I'm sorry, but no." Pepper reaches down and pats her head.
Daphne grumbles a bit. "Fine... At least I get to see you this weekend."
"Yep." Pepper smiles down at Daph then looks up to Draco. "Good evening." She says before leaving.
"Good night, darling." Draco says after her and goes to his room.
Peppers eyes go wide, and she starts to blush again after her mind registers what he just called her. 'Darling?! He can not be serious! Does he actually... like me? No. He can't. He. He's just messing with me. Yeah. Definitely.' She tries to convince herself as she walks back the the living room where everyone else is.
'He can't possibly like me... but... is it possible I like him?'

It is now Saturday morning at seven am. and Pepper is getting ready to go over to the Rabbitt household to watch Daphne, as it's her weekend to babysit. She's all showered, dressed, her hair is brushed, her bag of activities for Daphne is all packed and she is on her way out the door when she gets a call from Mrs. R. Pepper obviously answers right away.
"Hello?" She asks as cheerful as she can.
"Hey Pepper. Just thought I'd let you know that Daphnes brother is going to be home today. If you'd still like to come over you can, but I just thought I'd let you know."
"I can still come over and occupy her if you'd like."
"Okay great! So I'll still see you over here in a few minutes?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Okay. Again, thank you so much." Mrs. R says before she hangs up
Pepper grabs herself something small to eat for breakfast before she heads out the door. When she gets to the Rabbitt house, she walks up on the porch and knocks on the door.
After a few moments, Draco opens the door. He sees that it is Pepper and he smirks.
"Oh why Hello there."
"Hi." Pepper replies flatly. "Where's Daph?"
"In her room, still sleeping."
"Oh... then I'll just come back later." She says taking a small step back.
"Nah. Come on in. She'll be waking up soon."
"Fine....." She grumbles
Draco opens the door the rest of the way and step to the side to allow her entry. Pepper enters and Draco shuts the door behind her before going to the kitchen. While he's gone, Pepper takes off her shoes, sits against the wall, and takes her journal out of her bag and starts sketching.
Draco comes back with a bowl of popcorn and sits next to her. "Watcha drawin'?"
Pepper quickly snaps the book shut and hides it. "Nothing."
"That didn't look like nothing. Let me see it."
"No." Pepper snaps.
"Come on, sweetheart." He pouts. "Please?"
"Don't call me sweetheart."
"Then will you show me that beautiful drawing you're working on?"
"Not a chance."
"Fine." Draco snatches the journal from her and starts running down the hall.
"Hey!" Pepper runs after him. "Give that back!"
"No!" He laughs and runs into Daphnes room.
Pepper continues running after him. He can not see that drawing!
When Pepper gets inside the room she sees Draco leaning in the corner of the room flipping through the pages to find the one she was working on. He finally finds it and he freezes. He starts blushing a little. "Wow..." He mumbles as he sees the half finished, but still beautifully drawn, sketch of himself.
His button nose perfectly portrayed, with his defined jawline on point, with even his adorable dimples drawn perfectly. She even managed to capture the sparkle in his eyes that he has only when he sees her.
"You draw me too...?" He whispers finally, looking up at her.
"W-what do you mean?" Pepper asks, despite knowing exactly what he means. She starts to blush a bit.
"Uhum.." He coughs and looks at the floor, blushing very much at this point.
"What do you mean?" She asks again.
"I just didn't know that you drew me." Draco finally replies, trying to stay calm.
"I... I have more drawings..." Pepper whispers, finally looking up from the ground.
Draco fake coughs and gets up from the wall. He hands her back her journal. "It's pretty good though. You've... you've really got some talent."
Pepper snatches the journal and hugs it close to her chest as she looks away. "Thanks."
"Mhmm..." Draco replies as he awkwardly shuffles to the door then runs to his room
"I'm so stupid." Pepper whispers as she tears out the page and stuffs it in her bag.
"Mmm... Pepper?" Daphne mumbles, half awake
"Hi." Pepper smiles at her like nothing happened.
Daphne gets up and walks to her brothers room. "Bubby did you show Pepper your drawing of her yet?" Pepper hears Daphne ask from down the hall.