

2nd chance
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.

Learning about love.
It is such a story that cannot be understood.
the connection of a new world.
a thoughtless emotion.
it creates a space that brings excitement to explore.
yet its still an uncharted memory.
most who experience love only have stories of their moment they forgot about the rest of the world.
the time where space watched the creation of two lights taking shape.
spiraling and circling a dance that defines nothing and everything.
seems like it was the only place everyone wanted to be.
until the moment the other half dediced it wanted to leave.
the feeling of coming back to yourself after being so lost in another world.
its almost as if love was just a dream or a fantasy.
something similar to outer space.
you can see it ever so slightly but only if you look hard enough.
even after you look into the stars.
trying to remember where love took shape.
there are so many lights out there in a world thats no place.
now you find yourself bringing your emotions into your perceived real world.
all you are seeing is the memory of a stranger you once loved.
the illusion of forgetting is a powerful tool.
yet why do we want to forget the times we were part of something new?
returning to the story over and over again.
convincing yourself that you told the end.
the end of the story you thought was pretend.
the small sparkles of life seem to bring a message of hope to the rest of the things that we encounter in our journey.
love is like lightning.
it may not strike twice in the same place, but when it does.
its the brightest thing you will ever see.
love strikes in the storm.
afterwards ,
words that were said may leave broken hearts on the horizon.

© Joshua Leyva