

The girl slowly woke. At first she was bewildered, confused. Why was she sitting on damp earth in the dark.

Then the pain started. First, the stinging on the palms of her hands. Grazed and bloody. This was soon followed by the pain in her ribs. Around her left eye began to swell. There were dried blood in her hair and finally, the tear in her jeans revealed a cut knee.

Gradually, she started to have recollection of her fall down the hole. One moment she was skipping along ignoring her mother's warning about being careful on the sidewalk, then BOOM. She is sitting at the bottom of some kind of shaft.

Her eyes were slowly getting accustomed to her new dim environment and with the light coming down from the hole above her, the hole she fell through, she could see stones and rocks jutting out from the sides of the shaft. However, what she didn't expect to to see was a small wooden door, about five inches high!

Curiosity got the better of her. Ignoring the pain in her hands and knees, she crawled over to the opposite side of where she sat and examined the tiny structure.

As she reached out to touch the door, a voice could be heard calling from above her. Somewhere on the surface of the street the girl's mother was yelling.

"Alice, where are you?"

Looking up Alice shouted. "Mum, I'm down here!"

A face soon appeared at the hole above Alice.

"Oh dear, oh dear. Alice what did I tell you about walking on the cracks in the sidewalk. How on earth are we going to get you out of there?"

Alice looked back at the little door.

"Mum, there's a tiny door down here but too small for me to go through."

The face of her mother left the hole and quickly reappeared. This time she had a small tube in her hand which she dropped through the hole.

"Catch this Alice."

The tube fell softly into Alice's hands. On it were the instructions, 'Drink me'.

Confused, Alice looked up into her mum's face.

"Just do it sweetheart." Then said, "But before you do, there is something I need to tell you..."
© rebel2version