

Till 21: Selena's Story
August 21,2019
Its my Birthday Today! Yay...? But Not a Happy 18 year old birthday celebration for me...

Turning around in my bed with a painful ache in my heart and thoughts centered on how much of a screw up Jeremy was. He totally broke me, notwithstanding I gave up my V-card for him. He fed me with lies, yes .. lies.. I thought he actually liked me. he made me feel so special and thinking of how the breakup went I could not help but breakdown in tears all over again.

Flashback to August 15th,2019.
I would be meeting up with a new friend I made on messenger app,Flourish and her boyfriend, alongside a few of her friends at this new eatery which was officially opened a week ago.

Stepping into the eatery and sighting a girl who looked like the girl from messenger via her profile, I give Fkourish a phone call regardless, informing her that I was already at the eatery and yes, I was right..same girl. So, I walked towards the group, gave her a hug and greeted the rest of the group. who surprisingly, I already knew.

I took my sit,and said a 'hi' to everyone,sensing a little bit tension from all of them, except Flourish. Jeremy walks in, I am surprised to see him here but also happy to see him.

I stood up from where I was seated and gave him a hug which he doesn't return and yes,that was weird but I did not read much meaning into it.

Pulling away from the hug I asked why he was here,there was no response from him and then it hit me! ...I recalled I was just sitting with a group of people,so I turned over and said.

"Hey Guys,Meet My Boyfriend Jeremy" it all makes sense now,why they all got silent and Flourish had a gaped mouth till she recovers herself almost immediately, stands up and pushed me aside

"am sorry but Jeremy here is my boyfriend and we have been together for almost a year now"it seemed funny at first,like it was just too surreal.

Flourish faces Jeremy. "Jeremy,can u explain this? Why did she introduce you as her boyfriend?" The next words that comes out from Jeremy totally disarmed me.

"Honestly, I have no idea,Yes,I have seen her around but geez! Am definitely not her boyfriend..." I couldn't just stay quiet so I chipped in..

"Seriously,Jeremy? Flourish am not lieing to you, am in like in the 6th month of our relationship with h..."before I could say anything else,Jeremy snaps and denies me again

"Bitch,You totally got this wrong and I have no idea why you are trying to ruin my relationship with your friend" I was Bombasted and it felt defeaning.

I mean this is the guy who actually sent me a love message last night just to remind me he cares about me... Did I wake up into another world? Cos I believe this is My Jeremy, The Love of my Life, the same guy who makes me stay up late almost everynight just to have an online conversation with him, the same guy I decided to have my first sex with after denying it to 4 other heartbreakers,like this can't be real, he actually told me he loved me and I believed him.

I am totally fucked up in my head right now. Did Jeremy just blantly deny me straight to my face and make me look like a fool? Jeremy said he loved me, I dont know what is happening but I feel myself disintegrating from existence before I realised am actually in public and with teary eyes..

"But you sent me a love you note last night...."I whispered shakily
"Do you have proof?"my head snaps when I hear Flourish talk to me with a snicker as she stood closely beside Jeremy, clearly stating an 'he is mine' look.

"I deleted it. So I dont get someone like my parents reading it. I would be dead if they saw something like that on my phone" I replied honestly..

"So,you have no proof of having any conversation with him related to love stuffs in your phone,like via messenger app or Whatsapp?"A guy I recognised as Jeremy's friend asked and I was beyond shocked because I hanged out with him and jeremy few weeks ago. I think I actually just heard bells ring in my ears.

"We chatted mostly on Whatsapp and he always tells me to clear up our messages in case any of my parents decides to scroll through my whatsapp messages, Jeremy why are you saying nothing?" I asked,hoping he ends this misery and back me up here.how dumb!?

"What should I say?that you are some weird stalker who thinks we are in a relationship? Am sorry girl but I dont know you, atleast not as a girlfriend"Jeremy barked those words at me and instead of getting the pain of a dog bite it actually stung like a bee and I felt like I could disappear,I just got full-blown humiliation! I dont know how I could still talk.

"Flourish,you know me as a friend,Jeremy is just fooling you,we even had sex 2 weeks ago,remember talking to you about it?"I questioned hinting on when I told her about losing my Virginity.

"Am Sorry Lena, but I Knew Jeremy first and if you actually had sex with him,I guess thats just what it is,you were just a booty call. And if what you say is true,his friends should know you as his girl,right?"She asked and I gulped, mixed with pain and bitterness,did she just speak that way to me? A booty call?

Flourish still continued and asked the 3 other guys present who deadpan denied knowing me and I know those 3 fucking guys. to think I was joking around with them a few days ago killed me,thats when I totally broke and teared up, I don't know how I could say the dumbest thing at the moment..

"I have Jeremy's Phone number,if that even qualifies as a proof" To add more pain to a dead corpse,Flourish actually chuckled and I hated her that moment I hated her for allowing me be publicly humiliated, you dont let that happen to another girl,no one would want to be in my place and she handled the situation absurdly that it hurts, I hate Flourish. She is the worst girl who ever lived in planet earth.

Then there is Jeremy and his friends who I hate forever for dumping me the wrong(est)way and for backing him up too. I dont know how I was able to go back home but I could not eat for the whole day and I felt like a walking Zombie. My heart just got smothered,destroyed and I can't see any hope of building it back soon...

Back To August 21,2019
No one deserves to get their heartbroken like I was.. It could lead to suicide but am stronger than I Look. Yes, Jeremy has been trying to call me but I am keen on ignoring his calls, I have nothing to say to him right now. He has been sending texts that I have refused to view, even on Messenger and all other social media app that am signed in to.

His friends have been trying to call me too, especially one who I actually considered as my friend, like I knew him before I even knew Jeremy and he backs up jerk face Jeremy ? I hate Bentley right now, Yes,thats his name.

And Yes, Today is my 18th Birthday, am only posting a birthday wish for myself and not checking any notifications or messages, I dont care if its unhealthy but my heart right now is dysfunctional.. So dont blame me, blame Jeremy for being the jerk of all time. I am still processing the event of August 15th,2019 in my head....

Gosh,am gonna be crazy...

September 15,2019
I am making a decision to give my heart a long vacation, No sailing the dating-ship till 21. Yes, 4 years.

I ain't capable of withholding another heartbreak, so am going to treat and nurse my heart to full perfection, it needs to be happy after all the drama with Jeremy.

My heart deserves to be happy and it would, it has to.

Am not crazy, I have just had enough of heartbreaks for a lifetime, I mean 5 freaking heartbreaks in a roll, not much?
You have no idea how hurtful each of them were.. Maybe I would just tell u a little about the other four breakups, that is, if you want to know....

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Title: Till 21: Selena's Story
Author: Unah Ebere