

The envious heart...

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst lush green hills, there lived two friends, Ram and Shyam. They were both skilled craftsmen who made beautiful pottery. They shared a close bond and often worked together in their workshop.

Ram was content with his life and always had a smile on his face, while Shyam, despite his talent, was always envious of Ram's success and popularity in the village.

One day, a wealthy merchant visited the village in search of exquisite pottery to decorate his mansion. He was impressed by the craftsmanship of Ram and decided to purchase all of his pottery, paying him handsomely. Ram was overjoyed and thanked the merchant for his patronage.

However, instead of feeling happy for his friend's success, jealousy consumed Shyam's heart. He couldn't bear to see Ram prosper while he struggled to make ends meet. Determined to outshine Ram, Shyam began to work tirelessly day and night, trying to create pottery more beautiful than Ram's.

Despite his efforts, Shyam's jealousy clouded his judgment, and his pottery lacked the finesse and elegance of Ram's creations. However, blinded by envy, Shyam refused to accept defeat and continued to harbor resentment towards Ram.

One day, an opportunity presented itself when the merchant returned to the village to purchase more pottery. Seeing this as his chance to prove himself superior to Ram, Shyam presented his creations to the merchant with great pride.

But to Shyam's dismay, the merchant was unimpressed with his work, comparing it unfavorably to Ram's exquisite pottery. Dejected and humiliated, Shyam's envy turned into rage. In a fit of jealousy-fueled madness, he vandalized Ram's workshop, destroying all of his pottery and equipment.

When the villagers learned of Shyam's despicable act, they were shocked and saddened by his betrayal. Ram, despite the loss he suffered, forgave Shyam and offered to help him rebuild his life.

But Shyam's heart remained consumed by envy and bitterness. With no friends left and his reputation tarnished, he lived out his days in loneliness and regret, haunted by the consequences of his envious heart.

Meanwhile, Ram continued to thrive, not because of his wealth or success, but because of the purity of his heart and his unwavering kindness towards others.

And so, the tale of Ram and Shyam serves as a timeless reminder of the destructive power of envy and the importance of cultivating contentment, gratitude, and goodwill towards others.