

Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

My life was good. I didn't realize that for a long time. My parents were well to do and spoilt me with love.

Everyday on my way from school, I came across an old man begging on the streets. His possessions were just a rudimentary walking stick and the torn clothes that covered him. He had some sickness that made him disgusting up look at. He cannot speak. Or I had never heard him speak. He used to walk up to people and beg for money or food. From the looks of it he hardly made any. Whenever he came near me, I used to turn the other way and avoid him. I always had some spare change I could have given him. Charity was not my thing. I was saving the money I had to buy the next best thing that my friends had. Latest fashion, tech and as such.

One could evening, I saw the old man lying on the street shivering. None of the passersby cared to show some concern. I didn't care either. That night I had a terrible nightmare. The old man kept on pleading with me to save his life. That was the most disturbing sleep I had. Next day he was no longer there. I assumed the worst and lingered around the area. I casually asked a few people and confirmed my assumptions. For some unexplainable reason I began to feel sadness and a bit of tears.

I tried to forget that incident but it stayed with me. Every now and then the oldman walked into my dreams and pleaded with me. And I was always mute without response.

Then, after some time my dad fell ill and my mom lost her job. The darkness began to set in. They couldn't send me to the ultra school anymore. I moved to a common school. This incident helped me realise how difficult life was outside the bubble. I was not given an allowance any more. I didn't appreciate the food and shelter I got. I was constantly complaining and occasionally stealing from my parents. The dream with the old man started driving me mad and angry.

Then, my mother passed away in an accident. My father couldn't afford treatment anymore and the doctors pulled the plug. There was only debt left for me after settling all the bills. I was reduced to the streets. I lived on the mercy of other people for food. My possessions reduced to nothing but the clothes I was wearing. Due to lack of shower I began to smell horrible. People began to chase me away for nothing. I could see that there were so many well to do people on the street but no one would spare me some change for bread. I resorted to stealing. I was not good at it. The police caught me and sentenced me to prison. It was humiliating. Darkness engulfed my life and I felt like that helpless oldman who I could have helped if I wished.

He still visits me in my dreams. But they are not nightmares anymore. He shows me some empathy in the darkness that had consumed me.
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