

I drink
I smoke
I found love or has love found me?

I have a past
I don't know if I'm living there

I have thoughts
I believe they are good for us

I should reframe from negative thoughts
I know she would be sad is she knew what I'm pondering

I know what she wants
I should do what's makes her happpy

I know what she wants
I should be complete with her
I must free myself of the past
I should let go
I am the best if I put my mind to it
I believe she knows it or else there would be no hope for our future

I should make peace
I smoke more and think more

I can't fall asleep until she does
I don't know if it's normal

I know it's almost dawn
I know she watching series alone

I keep checking up on her
I know she's hooked on the stuff like a junky

I see it's our first day break
I would preferred it ot be steamy and lovey dovey

I should go to bed
I think she summoned for me

I should stop go

I shall return and write more

© WalkerM