

Caught in-between
Caught In-Between.
Plenty of us are most often caught in-between issues; wanting and not wanting to adhere or follow the norms society has provided. Crucial, and exhausting, for us to choose the right part; one which will give us happiness at the end, and another that will make us happy to the end. It's a bit critical to maintain an understanding of a certain reality.

An individual is lost in choosing the right thing. You interface with two options in a relationship... One you love, and one you want to love. Others you love, and others who love you. In such a situation man becomes bothered, and making a decision becomes hard. You are unable to let go but, want to let go. Unable to start unable to keep going, and to end is surely not something to think about. You want to keep loving but you don't want to keep love. If you choose to love or choose not to both can cause pain (either you or the other party).

When play games become the centre of the relationship. You don't want to be a player, and definitely, you don't want the second party to keep playing.

Your days and nights become so crowded with thoughts on how to stop this confusion with self. But, you can't move because without this situation you can't live.
You can't sit, nor stand.
© Dfonjah