

Coffee - the most important meal of the day
I didn't think the first thing i would write about would be coffee, but coffee time is me time, you know....coffee is not only drunk with people, coffee is sometimes a time to observe yourself with yourself, not just gather and observe others...sometimes drinking coffee alone could help you see yourself just think about things without anybody's opinion its like giving time for yourself. Sitting in a cafe drinking coffee alone God you would be amazed at how great it feels without any distraction like no phone no human just chilling and enjoying the day. I would encourage everyone to do this more often cause most of our life we ​​are so focused on people lives and forgot that we need to just chill alone give ourselves time and space so that we could hear our self talk...I don't know if I am exaggerating but nowadays drinking coffee alone is becoming a therapy.
© Juniya
#Coffeeholic #Coffeelover