

Realizing Moments In Life
When I was little sad thinking about many things...
I naturally usually flow to Kanha with my questions of thousand Whys...
He made me realize through my own words,
While answering a phone call to someone close... while they were in the same situation...
( How He plays with me is... I have no words to express... 🙄😤😅😅😂🤗🤣🤣)
I am living the best life possible on this earth and I should be thankful for that...
And It's important that Universe is with me... He is with me irrespective of how many human beings with me !

It's only an illusion that makes us count how many human beings are around as our relatives.
People will always come and go,
Situations will arise and get resolved...
What matters is peace of our mind,
At every moment while going through those phases ...
We are loving, kind, and in a state of serving,
and engaging...
The fear for future is what takes away the today from us.

Let's live in today fully, being one with the Intentions of the Universe in His Universe 🙏🏻🌷
I am sorry Kanha for bothering you all the time with my silly mad ideas...
😌 And thanks for being there... I know whatever you are doing for my goodness only... Thank you for everything Baba

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