

Three children (by saane guruji )
This is the story of Sarang village.Sarang village was covered by the seashore, was a very happy and prosperous village. There was a lot of maritime trade. From there, cargo ships sailed to distant lands, and ships from distant lands landed.Coming from a country sailorStaying a couple of days Going again.When there is a storm, the sea is rough, so they stay there for more days.In such a storm the ships burst, causing loss of life. The cargo floated on the shore.Once a coconut-laden ship sank in a storm. Thousands of coconuts fell on the shores of Sarang village. People carried bags full. They broke it and fed it to the cattle.People did not know what to do with so many coconuts. Once the sail of mangoes burst and thousands of grafted mangoes came ashore. People carried mangoes. Sometimes dead sailors, dead men would come ashore.Their bodies were eaten by fish. Someone from the village would come and handcuff the body. Sometimes even a living person comes ashore. In the endless ocean based on a small piece of the boat.Then the whole village will gather around him and listen to his words that bring thorns on his body.

Sarang Bunder looks great. The sea was made of thick coconut. They were swaying like coconuts. There were merchants' warehouses out of fine coconut groves. From time to time there were small and big mines.One of the restaurants was owned by an elderly grandmother. That grandmother had no one. She was alone. Someone came to Mushafir and her lonely life passed like this.Children who come to play by the sea should come to this grandmother. The old woman used to feed them. Ever wanted to tell them something? Those kids were the fun of that grana.

Out of many such children, he had three children. There were two sons. There was a girl. The children's names are Budha and Manga. The girl's name is Madhuri. Madhuri and manga live close by but Buddha's house was far away.

One day Madhuri and Manga were playing in the sand of the sea.Forts were being built in the sand;But the fort did not survive.

"You don't have to come," said Madhuri

"You show up!" Said Manga angrily

"Do you think girls build forts?" Asked with a smile

"Girls can only laugh at others." Said the manga.

The two had such a quarrel. A boy was standing nearby.He was looking at those two. In the end, he did not stop talking. He stepped forward and said, "Shall I build a fort?"

"I'm can't . What will happen to you?" Said the manga

"Yeah, yeah." He said.
"Let's do it." Madhuri said
"Let's build together." Manga said to the boy.
"Okay." He said.
"But what's your name?" Asked Madhuri.
"budha." He said.

"My name is Madhuri," she said.

"my name is Manga." Said the manga

"Let's build a fort." Budha said excitedly.

"Build a fort for me together." said Madhuri
"You're like the queen of the castle." Said the manga.
"And you?" The Budha asked.
"Your queen's servant, the weeping queen's servant." Said the manga.
"Don't talk now. Build the fort soon," said Madhuri.
And they built a very beautiful fort. The three were looking at that fort. But suddenly the fort collapsed!Fell! All three felt bad.

"Sand forts don't last." Budha spoke

"We build new ones every day." Said the manga

"New game every day." Madhuri said

"I'll come play with you every day." Budha said

"Come on." Madhuri said

"Don't you have friends?" Manga asked

"I have no friends. I come ashore alone." Budha Said

"Where is your house?" Madhuri asked

"There's a long, big three- floor house." Budha said

"There's a garden around that house, isn't there?" Madhuri asked

"Yes," budha replied

"You're rich." Madhuri said

"We are poor." Said the manga

"I will bring different games. Eat and go. We will play together, eat together. You three are friends." Budha said

That is how the three children were identified.The identity became stronger day by day.They could not do without each other.
Three children coming to sea in the evening

There was a small sand hill by the sea

Three children were sitting on that hill. The sea smiles from afar.
Sometimes she played a game of sliding down the hill.Manga and Madhuri hold each other's hands and slip down; But budha did not dare to hold his hand.

"budha I sit in.The manga will sit on the right side and you on the left side.Hold one hand And the other hand will hold the manga.The three of us will go down the stairs."said Madhuri

So the three sat down. One, two, three started sliding.But in budha Stunned. The manga went down .budha remained on top.Madhuri's hands were tense.In the end, the manga dragged them both.budha let go of Madhuri's hand.Madhuri and Manga went downstairs and stood up.budha sighed and cried.

"budha , you're a coward." Said the manga.

"The children of the rich are cowards." Madhuri said.

"Madhuri, you hold my hand alone. See if it comes down. I'm not afraid." Budha said.

And Madhuri held budha's hand.He slipped and fell. Buddha's face swelled. He showed that he was not afraid.

This story is from the book "teen muley". writer saane guruji

if you want to read full story then read it on pratilipi