

You should have Seen it in Person
As a child, I heard a song called "You should have seen it in color". A second take at the lyrics made me realize; life imitates art in some of the craziest ways.

The song opens about a boy talking to his grandpa about a black and white photo of him back in '35. "It looks like we were scared to death, just a couple of kids just trying to save each-other; should have seen it in color" is how the chorus goes. As tech continues to advance, I see more and more distancing among friends and families.

They do say a picture's worth a thousand words; and the song mentions you can't imagine what those shades of gray keep covered. You can't imagine the smells, the sounds, textures, temperatures, moisture from a photo. You have to be in person to experience it all. So that lost dimension are those shades of gray.

So now I talk to my grandson through a screen as i retell the story of my brother and I trying to be there for each-other in a hostile world. Would seeing it in color become seeing it in person as I lay on my bed with my final breaths?