

the pineapple
Once Upon a Time.

I just saw the pineapple.

I just saw a That was SpongeBob's house.

I said I'm going to Cut it.

and I cut the pineapple.

to make a fruit salad.

and got destroyed.

I thought it was actually real fruit.

SpongeBob shouted.

what happened to my house.

I just said.

I Cut
your pineapple house.

Spongebob gets mad and shouted.

how dare you now I don't have any house to live for.

and that's why I can't Cut pineapples.

And only I Cut apples.

I bought a SpongeBob a new home.

he asks a new pineapple home.

SpongeBob gets happy and says.

thank you.

you bought me a new home.

I just said
you're welcome.

and it end happily ever after.

the End