

By the end of the time ES05
Sharum has never done this before. just one trio to Iran had made him so different anyhow my dear do come to
my home…no uncle some other time please I am sorry… no problem
Baba where us sharum? Me and my daughter was waiting for her we had planned so many things for him. how
can he even think of a friend who is prior to us … let him come I will not talk to him.
The first case of coronavirus has been reported in Pakistan and that person’s name is sharum Ibrahim he just
returned from Iran.
Silence…………Silence………and then everyone heard the sound of a baby crying. Nany tried took her to the
room and T.V launch was left with the silence of a mother, wife and a father.
Sharum my dear! why did not you told me about this? You should have told me? Baba what had you done if a
told you? there is no use to talk about this I just want to talk to all of you by the end of the time. sharum my son
please don’t talk like this. have hope on the mercy of God… Sharum …yes dad I am listening… now I have to
listen what are you saying I didn’t listen you before that. baba this is my punishment for ignoring your advices…
you said from the very starting that this virus is going to cost something to the world or maybe to us…baba it
cost us my life. Your favourite child s life. I love you baba okay bye. team of doctors is coming
My dear hold yourself together sharum said he will video-call us today and he would definitely don’t want to see
you crying like that. you need to be strong.
Hello!! How are you all? we are fine what about your health .is there any improvement said his wife …I don’t
maybe there is doctors are not showing me the reports. Anyhow what were you all doing? … after about one and
half hour they said bye even they don’t want to…
Sharum was in a separate room and was thinking about Osama’s words who said that the death of this kind would
be painful. He talked to Osama today too ad now he was staring at the walls and thinking. suddenly he just shed
off all the thoughts he was getting bothered by and took the notepad and pen which he requested the doctors to give and started writing...