

the horror house
Once upon a time live a person she had 5 kids and a husband the kids name were Ella she is 16 Stella is 15 Amber is 12 issabelle is 10 and the last daniella she was five the husband and the mum was nick and the mum were haley. One day there were moving into a 4 bedroom house Ella and Amber shared, Stella and issabelle shared daniella got her own. So after that they started decorating it turned to midnight so they all wen to there rooms asleep in Stella and issabelles room was something very horrifieng when they wen asleep behind the door was a a girl who used to live there her name was lilly but she got crashed by a car and her mother died by heart atach her father died by breathing problem so she was a ghost there she was always being that door. "Stella why did u just fart'" said issabelle. "I didn't it was u"' "ughh I know what I smelt"' said issabelle and in Ella and Amber's room on top of the word robe was a ghost she used to live here after lolly got crashed by a car then lully killed her her name was cora her parents u something weird was happening so they ran away. Nothing happens to them until Amber sleeped walked All the way to the wardrobe and started knocking her head there. Ella heard...