

The Lost Camper 2
Chapter 4: The Drive
Jack got to the car and saw his brother sitting in the backseat. "Dad , do we have to bring him?" Jack asked. "Why of course."He said. "Why wouldn't we?" Jack got in the car, and they drove off. It was a long ride. Chapter 5: Unpacking
When Jack got out of the car, his legs were very tired. He didn't want to move. He set up his tent, and put in the air mattress. Then, he took all of his clothes and other things, out of his duffel bag. When everyone was a sleep, he snuck out into the forest.
Chapter 6: The Broken Promise
At midnight, he ran. He had an interest in minerals. He wanted one to study. Jack didn't look where he was running, and he ended up falling. he fell about nine feet. He couldn't call anyone. There was no interception. He was stuck there.

Read my next book!