

The Failure love story
My name Kartik. I'm a Rockstar. My songs are Famous and I was popular too. Every soulful Rockstar have one Failure loves story. That love story makes us soulful and hard person. I was studying Engineering in Mumbai . I saw her first time when I was asking about principal room. She was 2 years elder than me. I know she is elder but this heart won't feel like that. I loved her like no one did. When she comes near to me my heart beat starts beating fast. It's a magical moment. When she talks to me. My heart feels like so much weight in my heart. It's happiness. We loved 2 years and suddenly she said her family members won't come accept to marry me. Because my age and my caste. I am 2 years younger than her. I went to convence her father. But he didn't accept it. After 2 days she get married. On that moment I feel like I was lost something and went to dark life. On that pain I started hate Girls and become Rockstar. I decided that she was the first and last girl of my life. It's been 2 years after that incident happened but it still hurts me and Feels that pain and that person allways remains me and hurts me.