My Greatest Love
There was something magical about you. I couldn't help but wanted to get to know you more. Even though you had a smile on your face, you've been through so much. Being a victim of childhood rape and child abuse, you managed to be strong. I too grew up being a victim of abuse and what brought us together was our common bond of love. I loved you and you loved me and I knew I didn't want you to leave me. For a long time, we had to hide our relationships from our friends and families because we wanted to keep it private and plus, we were afraid of being judged. I remember the day we first made love, it was such a beautiful experience. You allowed me to dominate you and yet still take care of you. We've done martial arts together and even played music together and no matter what we did, we always had fun together. I wanted to cry when I heard that you had stage four cancer. When things were going well, that's when the bad news came. My heart wept for you and I just...