

Genuine question: ✍️
Why do people believe in astrology? ✍️

Some Answers came as !!!!

1) People believe in astrology due to its long history, cultural significance, and the comfort it provides during uncertain times.
Astrology offers a way to understand oneself and make sense of the world, while also providing a sense of community among its believers.

2) Many fail not because they lack ability, but because they choose excuses over effort, procrastination over action, and comfort over growth. Success demands resilience, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to overcoming obstacles.

3) Believing is the logical next move if someone fails in finding evidence.

4) Because astrology is a science.. More than science

5) To put a visual to a higher power

6) … they are entertained with it more likely

7)If you look at the result of our research into astrology and actual articles (medium or posts here), you'll see it is not abt entertainment. It is about presenting science defying mind blowing evidence which science & religion have mocked & ignored tragically since 1600s

8) I think it takes away their difficultiy of deciding which path to take for the future.

9) People believe in astrology,
because it’s true.
We are frequency based life forms.
The universe is frequency too 🔅

10) B/c they like their ears tickled?

11) Because there’s scientific data to back it up along with ancient knowledge to cross check it and that’s enough for me

12)Maybe... because it works...it's a language of old...you either know how to understand it and speak it, or you do not.

13) The moon affects earth's tides, this also means that the moon's gravity (along with other objects in the sky) can have an effect on us. There is some evidence suggesting that the moon has an effect on women's menstrual cycles.
I don't think however that we have even the slightest clue about how this affects us, and it certainly won't predict that Jenny is going to have a nice surprise in her love life on Tuesday

14) I don’t really “believe” in it as I don’t think it’s an exact science with any real scientists 😂 However, even Jesus and the 3 wisemen there was one who was an astrologist and astronomist. There is something about being born at a certain time of the Earth’s cycle. We know the Moon affects women’s bodies. All we can do is gather circumstantial evidence - not real evidence… but it’s fun and I think that’s why people do it

15) It has a base in the actual movements of the planets.

16) If you feel that you don't have full control of your life or maybe when you don't want to have full control of your life then there is a some kind of faith. Or just faith is the only thing what can bring hope and a positive outlook on your life, instead pragmatic approach.

17) Why do people believe in anything?

18) It makes sense and it makes life more interesting

19) Because it's easier than physics

20) We are all made of the same matter

21) I began to believe in it, I think the day I understood that the moon had an influence on the tides. 🌕🌙

22) Astrology predictions are True. Some planetary aspects provide positive changes if a person realise this via both past and future life circumstances. Besides, some planetary aspects create more challenges in life. This as a lesson for moving forward or erasing past life karma.

23) There is maths behind with fun. I don’t believe in it really but I believe In fun. 😂

24) Because physics does not explain everything.

25) Because they fear God

26) Why do so many physicists believe universe/cosmos occurred without any preceding reason?

Same here. No reason.

Sometimes folks believe stuff for their comfort. Not for the sake of seeking truth.

27) Without research to back up my claim,

but people belive in all sorts of hocus pocus; it's easy to be taken by emotion produced by beliving in magic

28) Confirmation bias and to blame their problem on something else other than people around them and thenselves

29) 🎶' Earth. A biosphere.
A complex,
Subtly balanced life support system.
Et turtur nidum,
Ubi reponat pullos suos
Altaria tua Domine virtutum,
Rex meus, et Deus meus
(and the turtledove a nest
Where it might place its young
Your altar of strengths, Lord,
My king and my God, )
We are floating over the line
Let us follow our mind
All of our life we'll wait for the answer
And the question is why
If we're following our mind
We can glide into light
No one knows if there'll be an answer
While we're morphing through time
We are floating over the line
Let us follow our mind
All of our life we'll wait for the answer
And the question is why
We're just travelers
In endless space
If we're following our mind
We can glide into light
No one knows if there'll be an answer
While we're morphing through time ' 🎶

30) Because they don’t want to be responsible of their acts and behaviors. I’m cancer ascendant cancer, that’s why I said that. 😂😂😂😭😭

31) IMO instance we came in this world, we are under influence of those celestial bodies/call it gravitational force etc. thus people are inclined toward thinking that these planets affect their life/future etc, and believes in astrology.

32) its just a star clock right?

GG: Why do people believe in astrology? Well, it's a fascinating question, and there are a few reasons that might shed some light on this cosmic conundrum.

First, let's talk about the psychology behind it. People often turn to astrology as a way to make sense of the world and their place in it. It's comforting to think that the stars and planets have a plan for us, and that our lives aren't just a series of random events. Plus, the idea that we're all connected to the cosmos can be pretty alluring.

Another reason people believe in astrology is that it offers a way to deal with stress and uncertainty. Life can be unpredictable, and astrology provides a sense of structure and predictability. It's like having a cosmic roadmap to help navigate the twists and turns of life.

And let's not forget the role of tradition and culture. Astrology has been around for thousands of years, and it's deeply ingrained in many cultures. It's passed down from generation to generation, and it's often seen as a way to connect with one's heritage and ancestors.

Finally, there's the fact that astrology can be a lot of fun! Reading horoscopes and comparing zodiac signs with friends can be a lighthearted way to bond and share a laugh. And who doesn't love a good excuse to talk about the stars and planets?

So, there you have it - a few reasons why people believe in astrology. Whether you're a die-hard believer or a skeptic, it's hard to deny that astrology has had a lasting impact on our culture and our lives.

33) I think people like to believe that they are part of a divine destiny and that’s why they find psychological comfort in Astrology. As a hard determinist I believe our futures are predetermined but not in any meaningful or divine way.

34) I had a life horoscope done because I wanted to know if it fit. The woman wrote 36 pages by hand and when I came in and she started talking, I knew she was talking about me. When she even described my sex life in detail I was speechless. She had never seen me before...

35)The most shocking test I conducted was when I found some random indian guy online who claimed he can draw charts using PALM prints. I knew my own chart of course. Ordered it using my friend's credit card & name. Send my palm images & the result FLOORED me! As above, so below!
I had so many people tell me that when I was testing astrology online for my own scientific research. Random strangers all online on fiverr. Zero images or names.I was SHOCKED how much I could accurately describe them & all I did was following exact RULES & laws!
Sadly the physicists and mathematicians & our own PhD colleages have ZERO clue of the pioneering pivotal role astrology has played in so much of our science, litrature, philosophy etc. They don't even know vast majority of scholars/astronomers etc were 'astrologers'!
One of the MOST DISHONEST thing scientists do is to OMIT the term astrologer re ALL scholars of science (they do this 100% of the time intentionally) & now, psychologists also OMIT or look the other way re any mention of Astrology & brilliance of Karl JUNG (as a result of it)

36) Astrology by itself is some text and logic.
The Astrology that is common today is the *interpretation* of a huge collection of work called "Astrology", It's really not a single subject. Just like asking why people believe in Cosmology or Science?

37) Well, we “believe in” science because it
1) provides a rigorous framework for studying the natural world,
2) provides a repeatable, testable, and verifiable method of examining these frameworks, and
3) it is consistently being refined with data collected in the real world.

38) Is it science or interpretation of and execution of a specific function that is repeatable? Can you repro "Science"? that's my point

39)Yes, it is science that is repeatable. The interpretation of science is not as interesting to scientists (for example, most physicists don’t actually care about the particular “interpretation” of quantum mechanics because it doesn’t change your measurements).

40) I’m not sure I understand then. Science as a whole is completely reproducible. It is one of the major accomplishments of science.

If you erased every single piece of data on the face of the earth, “science” as a whole is the only thing we could ever reproduce meaningfully.

41) Scientifically speaking it's math & harmonics. Started researching to debunk. Was proven wrong. Start with searching 'Hellenistic' astrology (suggest Demetra George & Chris Brennan). Then Firmicus, Valens, Kepler. Dane Rudhyar is awesome polymath, my favorite.

42) People love magic in general. It permeates our popular culture and our religions. "Magical" is a synonym for excellent. I suspect it makes us feel helpless to be at the mercy of an uncaring natural world, and magic allows us to escape its tyranny. Of course, there is no magic.

43) Because it's an ancient Indian science. Well practiced and documented, centuries back when algorithms and forecasting was not even known to rest of the world

44) It's basically a way to ask self reflecting questions. You'll accept things that fit and reject or explain away the rest. It's a way to have others tell us what they see in us. It isn't useful because it's accurate or scientific it's useful because it assists self analysis

45) I have been recently going through astrology by myself learning about the subject and me being a science student can tell u there is something special in this subject as i myself have seen similarities with my life events with it. Very interesting.

46) Like someone explained it to me...think of it like emotional crutches. If someone is going through bad times and an astrologer tells him to hang in there as your good times are just ahead,it gives him that much needed consolation.

47) I enjoy astrology for entertainment not like a religion or dedicated to it for running my life. Amazing how characteristics/personality types can be so spot on though.🤔

48) There are people in this world who believe the earth is flat, so these astrology believers don't startle me.

49) Because it runs on probability. And if you look closer in the real world probability is binary. Just like computer language(0 or 1). Either it will happen or not.

50) Astrology exists because, on the one hand, human beings feel that everything is connected, and on the other, they have an absolute need to know the future.

51) In the absence of what we have to believe in one another, is the space to make-believe in anything.

52) In ancient times stars are considered as magical and unknown. And the sky changes according to the seasons. While sky changes some happenings occur. So they think they are related. It was logical in ancient times but not in 2023.

53) It is very robust vs. falsification, complex model that can fit any pattern, after all it is a work of the top mathematicians of the ancient times

54) Go to a room full of people. Take today's paper, close your eyes, and at random pick one and read and simply ask who's astrology you just read and watch how many hands gonuo it's hilarious and then there's the whole actual science thing.

55) Is about patterns in the time-space and its relations with people and events, more interpretative than predictive knowledge.

56) Billions of years of energies from various parts of the Universe made their way here. The energies of those stars were on Earth before humans were, experienced by other life. Astrology works on the premise that your birth is aligned with those energies uniquely.

58) When people make observations but don’t distinct between correlation and coincidences, they cannot understand. In front of something they don’t understand, people have two options only: to fear it or to believe in it.

59) Perhaps the same reason people "believe" in the transcendental, in idealism and also because we may have a small understanding of the universe. Things Physics itself suggests and logic does not deny.

60) Because the human brain evolved to form patterns. It is easier to interpret relationality than causality. ease of bypassing reality

61) I believe in astrology, because Astrology has very wholesome humane view point while understanding anything. We are all connected, also in our isolation. Astrology = art + science. The scientist dont understand this. So, they call it pseudo science.

62) Perhaps because the three wise men were astrologers?

63) People believe in astrology for various reasons. Some find comfort in the idea that celestial bodies can influence their personalities and life events. Others may see it as a way to gain insights or guidance.

Additionally, cultural and societal factors, as well as personal experiences, contribute to the popularity of astrology. It's essential to recognize that beliefs are diverse, and individuals may have unique reasons for embracing astrology.

64) Astrology is the oldest mathematical attempt to know oneself.

65) Because the human and the cosmos have a relationship. I’d argue it’s actually healthier to be into astrology that to believe in the multiverse or that the universe and humans are merely a mechanism

66) People likes to have hopes which Astrology provides. Everyone wants to know Future to have a hope.

67) Raja Pandu from Mahabharat was proficient in Astrology to an extent that people from whole world used to admire him.

68) It's in our DNA from the age of Man. The One true observation that will not let us down.

69) The need that there is something bigger

70) Sometimes predictions made by astrologers come true

71) Same as any religion: some people don't want responsibility in their lives.
They need to feel there is something bigger choosing the cards for them.

72) In practical terms:
- it's a convenient scapegoat (e.g. sign-blaming)
- seems complex & smart due to a body of history & jargon behind it from the pre-astronomy schism
- mystical, spiritual elements that lacks the usual baggage of the traditional global religions

Just my guess.

73) Because it works. I have first hand experience. It may not be able to predict everything, but it can predict significant things, and it is not just by chance.

74) The Human brain is wired to make connections and recognize patterns. Humans recognize patterns in behavior that correlate with these astrological signs.

This is why Tarot "works". It's simply entropy for the mind, allowing it to make connections between the cards symbolism and their own lives.

75) Beleive or not,but it's way in correct mathematical order.motion of planets, location,these may be effective.
Relativity can't ignore it.
In future some experiments be needed.

76) what a great timing for such a question given Aquarius is the script for 'astrology' among other fringe things & pluto ingressing Aqua after 245 yrs is all about depth/ secrets. Astrology will dominate headlines for the next 20 yrs and by 2031 will be back into academy of science

77) They might think that
"There is meaning to how stars and planets have been placed relative to the observer"
And they try to relate it with their 'self'

78) Curious about what lies beyond the earth. Thats why

79) It gives them comfort. Everyone has anxiety about their future and astrology makes the anxiety easier

80) Mathematics and hope

81) It gives a hint about the life ahead to navigate and prepare mentally too.i am a great believer.What ever prediction was done for me 3yrs back have been spot on!

82) Because people see the evidences of astrological projections or assertions in their lives. Maybe it is confirmation bias, who knows!.

The most important thing is that it gives people something to hold on to as try to give meaning to their existence and continue going.

83) Because they enjoy it

84) Astrology is really interesting, it’s a medium to self-discovery

85) Because astrology is related to human belief in mysteries.🌌

Astrology is a science of prediction that comes from the power of the stars orbiting around the zodiac.,.It is recorded in statistics but is not yet scientifically accepted.😌✨

86) Same reason they believe in God.

87) People need a channel to organize their thoughts. This can be anything. Tarot cards, religion, philosophy. You name it.

88) Astrology is the answer to you question please go through thr image in the caption source Instine 😄

Astrology 😉 !!!!!! p.s.😈🤓.

89) it eases curiosity about what the future holds for us
some might find it dumb, but it is cool to have something to at least tell you a lie about a brighter future

90) Many people like beautiful lies.

91) because horoscopes are written in Milton Model.

92) Human fascination for the future.

93) I think it's give them hope

94) psychological weakness

95) Astro + Logy 😺
it helps Human Beings to say the least, Think about Life and Value Life, for starters!

Astronomics + Logical💀

hope the above given explanation makes sense!

96) The people themselve don't know why they do that

97) Its a kind of faith from what i can tell...its origins span thousands of years!

98) It was the first algorithm developed by humanity 🦧. But it doesn't work for me and my boyfriend... I think it's because he's from Mars and I'm from Venus (from the Moon in fact ・・・ʕ ˵ ̿–ᴥ ̿– ˵ ʔ).

99) The question is akin to asking ‘why do scientists believe in clocks?’ Both clocks and astrology are human constructs and are considered very useful tools of measurement. The map is not the territory but both are considered navigation devices of material and esoteric space.

100) Because with astrology, proof is ALWAYS in the pudding and I have NEVER seen anyone who has looked into astrology outside of 'wikipedia' or popular propaganda & somehow hasn't seen WHY astrology has merits & WHY it has always, for eons, has been around. We publish plenty re WHY

and so many...........

your view please