

Oh my goodness ep 3
Every One started laughing on Ashrath and He became shocked at their laughter. Oshya asked - "what's wrong to you?" "why you had closed your eyes?" . Then He realised that everything is okay. No one has seen that spot of blood on his face. It was washed at last. He felt relieved. And went back to his mansion with his friends. It was 7 in the clock. He was continuously thinking about it. It made him somewhat uncomfortable and abnormal. Not fully abnormal but somewhat uneasy.
At the dine He was noticed by his Mother, queen Brishtilekha. Also by his father. He was picking up the dal with fork and was looking towards his cat. Queen pointed out him and called - " Ashrath". He didn't answered. Again she called but little bit louder "Ashrath". He didn't answered again. His father became quite angry. He stand up from his seat and shouted - "Ashrraathhh!!!!!!" He looked up at his father's face which was looking like a full bowl of human blood means it was quite red, it became reder and redder. He scoulded him with a high pitched, harsh and cracked voice. Ashrath was crying bitterly. He didn't tell anyone the reason why he wasn't able to hear his mother and what he was thinking. He suddenly felt someone comfortable to tell.