

LUCK BY CHANCE: Part 4 Y/N Series.
(Read the previous part to understand this part).

Author's P.O.V
You were mumbling a lot, realising that how stupid you are!! You tried to make excuses but the guard didn't allowed you to enter. When you were making excuses a man called your name.
P.O.V Ends
??: y/n!!
You turned and you saw Kevin, your cousin who became a writer.
y/n: Hey, Kevin!! You are here, but you were to supposed to be in U.K.
Kevin: Yeah, but I thought I should work for South Korea's Publications and see this is the place where my writings are published.
y/n: Here!! (shockingly).
Kevin: Yeah but wait, did you had any work here in South Korea? You came comfortably na! Is their was any problem during flight??
y/n: No Kevin, Why you always behave like I am a child? I am grown up now😑
y/n: Actually I came because I was selected in the competition to write for this publication.
Kevin: Oh! Really, you will work with me.Wow!!
y/n: But their is a problem. The guards are not letting me to go in cause I forgot to take the screenshot of the Q.R code which they scan.
Kevin: y/n! you are so dumb. How could you forget to do that.
y/n:(feels ashamed)
Kevin: Ok don't worry you can come in with me cause they know me.
y/n: Thank god!!!
Kevin: Let's go in.
You both go inside.

It was a huge building and you were like'Oh My God!!'

You both were walking to the office.

Then you both entered.

Head of the publication(Let's call him boss.): Oh! Hey Kevin welcome, welcome! (He was very friendly) Good Morning.
Kevin: Good Morning Sir!
Boss: Nice to see you. Ah...Who is that girl with you?
Kevin: She is my cousin. She took part in the competition in which you were finding the best writer for our publication. She is that girl who is selected.
Boss: Oh. But wait what is the proof Kevin?
Kevin: Sir..(y/n interupts)
-To be continued
by @M_square
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