

Lilly In The Woods _Final part
The king and the fairies got shocked and looked back.They saw 2 men looking at them ,The king asked who they are and what are they talking about.The two men caught the king and captured him and told him that they were the ones who killed his parents, everyone was shocked,the fairies tried to save the king but the two men were more powerful.The two men told them that they were 3 and one of them died due to illness because he was cursed by your parents.We wanted to take over your place but we couldn't find it but now you're in our hands if you want to live then tell us about that place where is it.The king replied I will never let you take over that place you are monsters.The two men got angry and took the king to their home,they ignored the fairies and went to their homes.No one in the village knew about it.The fairies were terrified and they went to their place.They told everyone about everything,they started to discuss how they can save the king but the two men were more powerful than the fairies.Everyone was thinking untill and old fairy came and told them she knows what to do.Everyone shifted their attention towards her and asked her how they can save the king.The old fairy told them that only with the help of a human being we can save the king,she told them to ask Lilly about help as she was the only one who knew about them and she was a good person,the fairies accepted and two fairies went to find Lilly.They reached to lilly's home and Lilly saw them as she was sitting in the garden,she quickly told them to come in and locked the door as she didn't want anyone to see them.Lilly asked them what brings them here.The fairy told Lilly everything and Lilly accepted to help them which made the fairies happy.They started to plan how they will save him and Lilly told them to show her the two men.When they showed Lilly the two men while hiding,lilly was shocked.The fairies asked Lilly what happened and Lilly replied that they were her father's friends.The fairies asked Lilly of her father died due to illness ,Lilly nodded as yes ,they all looked at eachother in shock.Lilly asked them what happened,they told Lilly everything and tears started to come out from lilly's eyes and started to feel guilty.Tge fairies told her not to cry and it wasn't her fault ,they told her she is a good human being and comforted her.Lilly smiled at them and started to think how she will get into their house .She asked fairies to stay at the window and open it when she will ask them,they all agreed and after that Lilly went to the two men's and asked them she is just visiting them as they were her father's friend,they told Lilly to come inside.In the house Lilly tried to find the king but they hided him somewhere.Lilly started to think of something and an idea popped in her mind.Lilly told the two men that she wants to cook for them ,the two men smiled and agreed,Lilly told them to bring some ingredients and they went away as they had no idea Lilly knows everything.Lilly started to search everywhere and she saw a box covered with a cloth she removed the cloth and saw the king ,She opened the box and told the king that she is here to help her.Lilly opened the window where all the fairies were and told them to hide in her house.Lilly placed the box again where it was and placed the cloth on it.The two men came with ingredients and Lilly cooked for them in a hurry and went away.The two men were confused by her behaviour but they ignored it.At lilly's house lilly's mother saw the fairies and the king when Lilly arrived she told her mother about everything,her mother helped them as she was very kind hearted.She told them to hide when two men came to their house to find Lilly because they had found out that the king was missing and Lilly was the only one in their house.They looked very angry and pushed her mother into ground,Lilly came out of her room and went to her mother.The two men caught Lilly and asked her what she did and where the king is,Lilly accepted that she helped him and told them that she helped him to run away.The two men got very angry and started to shout which caught everyone's attention in the village they gathered at their house and asked them what they were doing while the fairies and the king were listening to everything.Lilly told them that this place is not only for humans to live she told them that they should protect every creature living in earth . Suddenly the door opened revealing the king and the fairies, everyone was shocked at the view while Lilly was scared that the villagers will kill them.The king started to tell them everything and the village head said that they will protect them ,he ordered everyone to throw out the two men from their village and the two men were beated and thrown out of village.The king bowed to them and thanked them about it and Lilly apologized to the king for her father. The king smiled and told her that he had already forgiven her when she helped him.The hea of the village told everyone to forget about the fairies and never disturb them again and not to follow them while the king said that he want them to develop a friendship with them.Everyone was happy about it .The king and the fairies left to their place and the villagers gave them some gifts.
One year passed,
they were living happily and the fairies and king used to visit the villagers and they exchanged gifts,the king also helped Lilly and her mother,he started to spend time with them and with time he fell in love with lilly. Lilly was now 18 years old and her mother was worried about her marriage as in their village they used to marry at this age.The king was also young and wanted to marry but he never told Lilly about it. He asked the fairies to help him,he told them that he was in love with lilly.The fairies giggled and started to think about how to help him.They went to lilly's mother and told her that Lilly should get married , lilly's mother also accepted the fact.Thr fairies told her that the king is perfect for Lilly and he will love her for lifetime and he is also young .if Lilly will marry him she will become their queen and they want her to be. Lilly's mother became happy as she liked the king and accepted it.They told her to talk to Lilly about it .Lilly was sitting in the garden when her mother came and told her that she should get married and she want her to marry the king.After hearing the king's name Lilly became very happy as she was already in love with him.Lillys mothe smiled and they fixed their marriage in the woods. Everything was beautiful and magical , everyone was smiling and we're very happy.when Lilly came everyone's jaw dropped as she was looking so beautiful,the king was very happy and they got married happily
The end....
I hope you like it😅😊
© Aru