

Journey to Warwick
We set off at about 21.20, looking up at the dark dismal sky no stars came towards my eyes , in fact no stars were visible. This could be the night I thought. The night of laylatul qadr, but it was unlikely to say the least. Anyway, getting to the point we were on our way to the University of Warwick, a place I so loved; Its where I feel at home.
A colony of street lights right in the centre of the road, extracted some darkness from the sky fuming it with a rich flavour. Suddenly, as we were roaring past above the speed limit of 70 miles per hour, the street lights died out and I felt as if we're were in a cave. Yes, in a dark dismal and filthy environment with no sun to add a touch of colour to the place. Some half starved trees, barely visible waved hello as my dad's attention was fixed on the wheel.
"You're not talking" my dad said rather calmly which did not seem extremely pleasant to me. The friction between the wheels and the neglected pavement created this permanent roaring sound that I felt was toying with my eardrums, rather annoyingly.
My black coat, that emitted heat well, acted as armour protecting me against the bitter cold which rode on the car's clear windows. Coming to this point, it felt almost as perfect as ever, we slowed down to 50mph as that was the new speed limit, I could see what felt like a city that was alive from a distance with the brightness of its lights injecting into my eyes. Soft, cushioned , that usually added comfort, were engulfed by the sky. I sneezed 3 times infecting the air, as I thought about the quotation "surplus population" from a Christmas carol maybe there is a surplus population of these monstrous vehicles, I thought polluting the atmosphere and also drivers who constantly break the speed limit. It's almost as if they have torn their drivers licences apart. What is the purpose of a speed limit? To keep everyone under control and safe right?
I felt this uncomfortable sensation in my stomach, perhaps because of the uncontrollable bumping of the vehicle which was a enemy of mine.
A carpet of green grass stood up like hairs, blanketing the very edges of dual courrageway. Some landmarks, scattered could be seen from a distance. Soon, tiredness fell upon me at the dead of night by this time it was 22.08 my eyes were victimised by this urge to sleep. But, I battled to say awake. Pinning my head onto the headpiece of the car seat I could feel a waterfall of vibrations, coming from the car, "have you slept" my dad said repeatedly which made me feel less eager to want to sleep.
At around 22.30 we approached the bright scenery of my brother's house, which was shared with a few others. I tried to hide my perplexion which was not noticeable.