

Living by threatened virus called corona makes people starving, dying and screaming for help.

No one is aware about this and no one is exempted in death- poor, wealthy, young and old can be face death. Life is really short, everyone wishing for long lives, good health and safety but how about the frontliners risking their lives just to cure the infected. Most of us praying for a better world and a better place to live, yet we are the one destroying it. We only comes to God when we face struggles and we forgot Him when we are in abundance. That's the reality of how nuturous we are. Consequences comes after of what we did. Look of what happening around us, some have food to eat- overflow with foods and water but some screaming for help just to feed their empty stomach.

As I've seen at the internet there are a lot of untold stories that melts my heart. When our president mandate the community quarantine and lockdown. There are a lot of people suffer and loss their job just like the street vendors sitting on the side walk waiting that there's someone bought their products- but nothing happened, no one comes. Everyone preferred to stayed at homed and bought groceries at the market. Others don't have home to stayed but there's someone who gave them with a cheerful heart. Both who had wealth and none, gave foods to their fellow men that put gladness in the heart of less fortunate with priceless smile. And some people who walked miles in the midst striked heat of the sun without any food in their basket, felt tired and sleep when the sun goes down along their way just to got home because there were no vehicles travelling. We - the less fortunate depends on the government by their relief goods giving on us. There are times I'd asked my self " how can I help? even us have nothing also" yet I've nothing, I always included them in my prayers.

We can called it, life was really unfair but God remind us that He is powerful above all. Only we thought about happiness- the desire of our hearts not thinking the glorifying God. Money can't survive us with this evil virus. We do not think that because of us God send this to discipline His children and comeback to Him, because of our wickedness we deserve to suffer but Gods love greater than universe.

My brethren let God handle all your worries for He makes us to laid down in green pasture beside still waters. Its not too late for us to come on Him. Many lives were gone and we're lucky enough that He never leave us. As times goes by, we the human will face the most tragic event in our lives. This pandemic was just a lesson for us that no one can predict the will of God. As we read the Bible the near has come.