

Chapter 1

Hey guys a word of warning. The first two chapters are of abuse so a caution to the wise. BEWARE. You have been warned. Read with caution.

I got too comfortable in my own skin. Being on the run and in hiding should of taught me one thing. You never let your gaurd down. Why the hell did I not follow my gut.

Now here I sit drinking like a carefree bladdy teenager. The Jd's slipping down my throat, not even burning its way down anymore. Music blaring in the background and a bunch of drunk rambunctious people surrounding me.

It's my best friend Jen's twenty first birthday party and it's crazy at the club tonight. I order another two shots of jack,
"That's on me sweet cheeks" a man says standing next to me. He seems to be around my age with dark hair and brown eyes. The smile on his face screams danger and is really creeping me out.
"No thanks, I can buy my own drinks" I respond trying like hell to get away from him.

I never realized I was alone and in danger until it was too late. I am alive non the less, god alone knows for how long. I have no idea what happened all I know is that I am gagged and alone tied hog style, lying on the backseat of some car.

"What do you think the boss is going to do to her?" I hear the one man ask. He is the same guy from the bar, the guy that makes my skin crawl.
"After years of searching for her, I reckon there is years of frustration he is going to work out on her. Sucks to be her!" He exclaims laughing at his own statement.

My blood slowly runs cold through my veins as realisation finally sets in. Years on the run and one moment of weakness and it was all for nothing. My family finally have their ruthless hands on me.

A cellphone rings and the one man answers,
"Yes boss, twenty minutes or so. Yes boss. No she's still out cold boss" is all I hear from the one sided conversation. Who the hell is their boss?

About twenty minutes or so later as said, I am being dragged out of the car by my hair, screaming and hissing in pain. Being dragged carelessly along the sand and stone pathway. When we reach inside the house, I am thrown down a set of stairs that leads to a darker basement.

It's cold, damp and smells like mildew mixed with old blood. Oh to all that is holy, where the hell am I? The pain radiating off of my body from being tossed down the stairs will surely be the last of my worries, of that fact I am guaranteed.

"Welcome home Yalena" the sound of his voice, hasn't changed at all over the years. He still sounds as cold and distant as ever.

A brut of a man appears out of the shadows. He hasn't aged a day in eight years.

"Daddy" I whisper in fear as I am overwhelmed with a flood of emotions. He is the last person I expected to be behind all of this. All the years of torment. Should've been a clue. How is this even possible?

"Why?" I ask him sounding deflated.
"You really made us work for this pumpkin, you were good, evading me for eight years, even if I have to say so myself" his response as ever still cold, calculated and distant.
"There is no escaping your destiny pumpkin" the use of my pet name sending further shivers down my spine. It never ended well for me when daddy used it while I was growing up. I would always end up beaten and broken. Thanks to my were gene's I always heal quickly.

"Daddy please" I start saying when I receive a backhand to my face. Immediately feeling blood trickle down my now split lips.

"You insulent, ungrateful bitch, you have a destiny within this family, to make us stronger, you think you have a say" he laughs in my face, spittle flying everywhere.
"You were bred specifically for this, you don't have a say. You will be broken until you decide to follow orders, you got me?"

Unforgiving tears running down my already saw and bruised face. Dread tightening its grip around my insides at my fathers last words before he leaves me fastened to a chair in the middle of the basement.

Chapter 2.

The second chapter carries the same warning as chapter 1. So please beware.

I never doubted my father to ever go back on his word. He is a ruthless, power hungry person who killed my mother infront of me, when I was eight years old.

I had to stand and watch as he slit my mother's throat. To see the life drain from her eyes as she gagged and choked for air. There was no fear in her eyes only peace. That memory as many others are engrained in my memory. Forever there on rerun. There are no stop, pause, fast forward or rewind buttons.

When I was twelve, I ran. I lived on the street till Jen found me. She and her family saved me. They kept me hidden, trained me and taught me how to survive. When I was fifteen, they got too close. So I ran again. Got into a lot of shit, led a very unsavoury life. I moved around a lot and even stayed in cat form for six months. That was the most freedom I have ever experienced.

I have lost all concept of time, tied to this chair in the darkness, alone. I have dozed off a few times, my muscles aching from being in the same position for god knows how long already.

"Well hello, pumpkin, glad to see you have joined us today. Today is a very important day, today you start your training" he states matter of factly.
"Believe me pumpkin, this will hurt you, more than it will hurt me" the sneer on his features makes me cower back in fear.

Within minutes, from out of the shadows, I am surrounded by the two sleazeballs that brought me here, being untied from the chair, kicked and punched till I couldn't breathe, then blacked out.

"Every two hours, you got me, if she passes out, throw her with water, then start again" I heard my father say before walking up the basement stairs.

I am cold, bloody and chained to the floor. Starving, thirsty and tired, the beatings carried on for hours, just like my father wanted. No pity between beatings. It must be close to evening, when someone came down the stairs. It was for another beating as these footsteps were lighter, than the two men's or my fathers. She was carrying what smells like food.

"Hey there, my name's Penny. I brought you something to eat, it's not the best, how are you holding up Yalena? She asked barely audible.
"Fine" I stuttered out between rugged breaths and what I assume has to be broken ribs.
"I can't stay, I was warned not to converse with you at all"
"Penelope" my father bellows from the doorway.

She scurries away like a frightened little mouse. I will be damned if I ever become like that. The smell of the food wafted up and made me gag. Come hell or high water, I have to eat this crap. If I plan to escape, I will need my strength.

I guzzle down the awful slop that was given to me then silently fell asleep on the cold, wet concrete floor that I am chained to. It is uncomfortable to say the least, but when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I braced myself for the next onslaught of torture.

This torture regime carried on for over a week. Then something happened and everything escalated. My father mentioned that a certain person is dying to meet me, and he would be here in the following week. His was not good news at all.

The man coming is my reason for the training. He is the person who I am expected to mate with. Charl DeMarco. He is as ruthless and power hungry as my father is if not more so. Our bloodline infused will create a powerful litter.

As I have learned over this time period, my two abusers names are Denzel and Scabz. Both human want to be's.

Scabz has been threatening to show me, how he got his nickname, and by the looks of him coming down the stairs, with a switch blade in his hands and that evil smirk on his face, my father finally agreed.

"It's just you and me today baby" he says stalking towards me. His voice and that look of death, making my skin crawl.

Before I even have a chance to respond. I hell out in pain as the switch blade is now protruding out of my leg. Scabz only chuckles before ripping out the blade. Blood oozing out of the now open wound on my leg.

He doesn't stop there. I have slashes in my arms and I quite frankly feel like a human pin cushion. I have lost count of how many times that knife has penetrated my body already. Yet again this continues for hours. I don't think I could survive anymore of this.
I am all bloody and beaten, I am wracked in sobs as I pass out from exhaustion.

Chapter 3

The scene described here is yet again brutal, this should be the last beware for a while at least. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far.


It's been nine weeks since Yalena Storm was taken. I have never failed at a job, and I sure as hell am not going to start now. For some reason whoever took Yalena Storm, has me chasing my own tail.

I have heard rumours that it's her own family that have taken her. They are powerful and ruthless. Whatever would possess a family to even contemplate kidnapping one of their own, is beyond me.

I have heard enough about this family to have me really concerned. Nine weeks in the clutches of those animals, I am sure has been hell on the young Yalena Storm. If Ms Storm is still alive there has been no sign of her. If she is still alive then I reckon her time is running out and fast.

I heard via the grapevine that a couple of human Storm hangers on party at a pub nearby where they constantly brag about there shitty ways of manhandling woman. Men like them don't deserve to breath.

I have been meeting with these two low life a-holes, befriending them for the past two weeks. Hoping they will let slip where Yalena Storm is or could be.

"Good times hey Scabz" Denzel says slapping Scabz' back.
"She squeeled like a bitch, when the knife slipped through her skin, like a hot knife through butter" Scabz said sounding so proud of his achievements. They make me sick. How can scum like this be allowed to breath. They have been bragging about beating down on some woman. My mama would tan my hide if I even thought of raising my voice or hands to any woman. Disrespecting a woman is a serious offence in our house. It makes me sick that I even have to breath in the same air as these mother fuckers.

My name is Galen Mathis, I am an undercover Bounty Hunter with very prestigious supernatural clients.

"Hey Tyler, I got this bitch at home, you wanna come check out what we do. Maybe join in the fun tonight. I am sure Scabz won't mind sharing some of his action?" Denzel asks me, kind of slurring his words. These two human are weak and slowly grinding on my last nerve. I could kill both of them with one hand tied behind my back. Tonight must be my lucky night. Just one more night with these sickos and I will never have to see them again.

"Yea sure" I say making sure I slur my words, even though I am a hundred percent sober. We stumble towards the car, hanging and laughing at each other.

After driving, what was only about ten minutes, we pull into this old dilapidated house, that is shrouded in darkness.

"Your bitch home?" I ask, cringing at the words as they pass past my lips.
"Yea fuck, the bitch is in the basement" he chuckles practically falling out of he car as he opens the door.

We stumble towards the house and when we enter I want to vomit. The smell and filth is enough to make me want to bath for years. We head towards what I assume is the basement door. As soon as the door opens.

Sweet mother of ....... what is that fucking smell. My breath almost leaves my body.

A dim light is switched on as we head down the stairs. My eyes burn and I really want to throw up when my eyes land on the scene infront of me.

This woman is tied to the floor, practically naked. She must've been beaten only hours ago, as most of her wounds still look fresh. She is caked in blood and what appears to be semen. She seems unresponsive to our presence, her eyes are almost beaten shut, her lips are bleeding and she has stab wounds on her thighs.

"What the fuck" I cannot control the anger that is bubbling up in me. I don't think I have ever seen anything this brutal. Before I can even contemplate my next move, or what I am going to do next. Lex takes over. I must say Lex didn't leave much of those assholes, they sure as hell got what they deserved.

I rush over to the girl lying on the floor. She looks absolutely horrified and frozen in fear. When I try to touch her, she flinches and moves away from my touch.

My heart breaks at the sight of this woman in front of me.
"Sshhh its okay, I am not going to hurt you," I whisper soothingly.
"I am here to save you, please let me help you, we need to get you out of here" I plead with her. I hope she can here the desperation in my voice. All she does is slowly nod her head, exhales a breath then closes her eyes.

I rip her bindings off and gently cover her body with my jacket. When I try to lift her up, her one good eye flutters open, she flinches and hisses. When I look at the green of her eye. It's like I have been sucker punched.

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