

Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Peach
We spent many happy hours
in the summer with our cousins.
While we shared our thoughts and giggles
gnats were swarming by the dozens.

I recall the day was stifling,
humid weather, hot and muggy.
While our moms were planting flowers
we were bored and getting buggy.

Someone said “let’s bob some apples”
so we got a bowl of water.
Why not dip our faces in it
since the day was getting hotter?!

But alas, they had no apples
so we used a bag of peaches!
Dumped them in the bowl of water -
oh the truth experience teaches!!

Plunge your face into the water;
hands behind your back while bobbing.
Use your mouth to grab a trophy:
be the fastest, do the robbing!

Then we ate the fuzzy peaches
as the truth became a lesson.
Water on our necks and faces
we intended for a blessing,

Now instead we started scratching!
Fiberglass and insulation
could compare to fuzzy water!
Quite a rashy situation.

Grab the towels or take a shower
to relieve the prickly feeling.
If you want to bob some peaches,
first make sure you do the peeling!!!

© Loretta Shively
#peaches #summer #water