

The mysterious traveler prt 3.
My oh, my.. What silenced you friend.. This is a perfect morning we are having. Have you packed yet and made sure you have everything for the thousandth time.. You are quite fascinating.. You didn't even notice me in the far side of the tree just watching you. What are you hiding? Do you ponder up my death?? It is odd for me that you just want to know about my life and my journeys and yet travelling with me you don't utter a thing. I am quite annoyed by every bit about it.

So I decided we are going to the dessert. I don't want to get wet at this stage and getting some swamp fever is the last thing any one of us can't afford now. I have to do something important there. I can't fully say what yet. So finnish up your breakfast we have to leave. These guards will start sniffing us out today. Everything is so complicated with a companion. I just want to stab you so bad, but I suppose.. For now I am just a bit paranoid.

Are you ready yet? Do you have your water and whatever nerved you so much?? Good let's go.. You probably just wanna hear something on the hike I suppose.. We will only reach the dessert at the end of tomorrow.. This mystic forrest is thick and also have some illusions. Even some of the creatures here. Nasty.. Just keep an eye out for a Gold spider. Whatever you do don't look at it for too long or try to catch it.. One gigantic mistake.. I know.. Don't really want to talk about it...

So yeah.. There where days as my father told me... That a tribe of people lived in this place. They where great people. Lived of the land and taught many of my ancestors wizards about the secrets deep within this place. I always wondered and was amazed by tales and adventures I hear from the guards and council about it... This damned war destroyed every thing. These people dwindle in numbers and don't really give as much as they use to.. Most men die coming here. Travelers avoid this place. Don't worry nothing to worry about you are safe.. I think.. I know some of the secrets of these folks and also their chief is like a brother to me. I have a map he gave me and a symbol that I am one of them.. So don't be frightened if you see someone jumping towards us out of the bush.. Just stay close and please don't wonder of to do your bussiness.. Inform me so I can tell you where to do it.. Otherwise you might ending up losing some parts.. Or fall into some trap .. I don't have time to rescue anyone okay... And besides that it might stop your silence..

Anyways you kept on looking at my hand. Yeah it looks terrible. Well thats just the trials.. Just forget about it for now. There are serious dangers we have to focus on aswell.. I am serious. Deadly trees...Acidic flowers... Native traps.. And the next part is the Dark heart of the forest. No sunlight touches the floor. The canopy of leaves are thick and the floor almost alive with fear and the darkness.. That even sent shivers down my spine.. Atleast there are one or two positives though.. The are these nice small bioluminescent creatures that are somewhat harmless.. Just give them a snack though they can help with the ants and other fiendish creatures.. And second thing you have me to travel through with it..

Come on cheer up be more positive. For now atleast. This might be the last time you see the sun though.. This is soooo exciting!! I can't wait... Maybe all these years made me special.. So onward then into the darkness we go...

© The cube said it