

Watering Eyes
I resurfaced. I forgot most of what happened just now while i was under the water in the sea. All I could remember is that I was we were quite far from land. Wait... where's Olivia? I look around to see a woman splashing around in the water with panic, screaming my name. "DEREK!!" I swim over, almost effortlessly and pat her shoulder, "I'm Here." I say to Olivia. She doesn't respond, doesn't look at me, doesn't even stop screaming... "DEREK, DEREK!!" I squint down into he water to see sharks and...is that me? I see my lifeless body sinking slowly, blood rising into the water. Am I not alive..? I struggle to think... and then I remember Olivia. I look around frantically. I see land, but it's so far away it seems almost grey. She wouldn't make it.. "I'll save you, Olivia." I mutter to myself. I swim around quickly until I see a boat. I swim over and see a man fishing. I grab his shoulder and beg for him to help her. I get no response. But i start to hear Olivia's screams again. "HELP HELP!!" The fisherman looks up, then, seeing her, turns around and yells for his mates. Two more men come over to his side of the boat, immediately seeing Olivia. One of them quickly rushes to drive the boat rewards her. The other yells for her. "Come on! Swim! You can do it!" I Stare at her with hope. Soon the boat gets to her and she climbs aboard, panting. "Th-thank You S-so m-much!" She pauses. "My boyfriend is still down there!" She panics again. The Man driving doesn't say a word and continues towards where Olivia tells him. Soon they see his bitten up body underneath the water. Olivia stares, her widened eyes shedding multiple tears. "No.." She muttered before turning to one of the men and crying onto his shoulder. I wanted to comfort her so bad.. but it would be useless. I was a Ghost. "I'm with you," I mumble, soon crying as well.