

to my spoiledbaby

‏Iwake up in the morning to the sound of my spoiled little boy, ‏to see that smile that captivates my heart dancing around his little mouth. ‏I hold him in my arms, ‏then I place a kiss on his silky cheeks, ‏he dives deep into my tender eyes, ‏then I let him play on the ground with his little toy. ‏He swallowed one of those toys, ‏then that toy sank in his throat and caused him to suffocate. ‏I didn't notice him until he made some faint sounds, ‏then I turned to him to see his face turning blue. ‏I was surprised and shocked. ‏I didn't know what to do. ‏I rushed to him. ‏I carried him and hit his back. ‏Perhaps that toy would be pulled out, ‏but it didn't work. ‏I took him to the nearest hospital on my way.Ican no longer feel his hot breath from his little nose, ‏and he does not return that smile to me, ‏I no longer feel his presence, ‏and I do not hear his little heartbeat, ‏to find my little one has lost his life and moved to GodI only felt myself breaking the car windshield and screaming at the strength of my spoiled child, ‏why did you leave me?
© ‏writing stories and novel