

Liar's Truth
When someone asks a child to not do a particular aspect, he becomes even more curious in doing it.
The box was one of the lost contents, retrieved little years later from the shipwreck of the Black Pearl. And now it was lying in front of me. My mother had warned me against touching it, but I had already broken that rule.
After a little effort, the box opened, spelling its contents. Now with the broken box, fast beating heart, a trembling body, and really anxious feeling, the bell ranged! It was obviously mum who is back from the wedding party. With an almost empty brain I just packed it up into to my school bag. Changed into night clothes and rubbed my face into a sleepy gesture and went to open the gate.
'oh! darling,were you asleep?
Mom asked,
I noded.
'and did you...'
her eyes straight went to the table where the box was kept.
'Where is it?'
She asked pointing towards the table in a frightful way. Red eyed she scared towards me.
Well I am not surely a good actor but on the contrary I pretended well -
Oh! I remember it was here, and you asked me not to touch it. So I did.
As I had a little homework I completed it sooner and went to sleep early. off course it was not my axe to grind. I lied, showing up my paw, by hesitating a little. Women are good at catching if someone is lying but, mum in a tense situation, as if her brain was stopped, directly called father, and talked regarding this issue.
'Any thief might have stolen it'
'Or, maybe you don't remember well where you kept it.. or...'
'Go to bed- mum screamed.
I moved aside by escaping from her eyes and went to my room to give an attempt of fixing it somehow,
ah! It's not paper that can be joined any way.
It was here when geeky entered, ' o isn't it the same for which mom is tight-lipped and... Mom.. Mom... she shouted when I held her mouth,
please! please! please! don't tell her I beg!
I want a tuptake in return.
I had to give my own "cupcake".
Siblings are made for this only, "emotional blackmailing"
I kept the thing in and went to sleep. Next morning when I woke up and saw the police, I was horrified! They were checking that thumb prints the foot prints..etc..
Mines and mum's prints were found. That was obvious that the family mates must have been there. But the point to be noted was there, no stranger's prints were found, meaning that the thief was one of of the homemate. I and geeky heard this from beside the door.
'I will tell mom'
'I will tell her'
Geeky spoke in her irritating tone.
'You can't waste my cupcake!
'So give me another...'
What good field of crime sibling embrace.
I was called for the investigation.

'A thief is behind this, I know, he must have broken it'

'Why broken? a loud voice came.

'Maybe it's contents spilled..'

'Hmm... but it's not a thing that can be broken'

'Off course it can'

'We know better it's all held together properly'

'But it's true it broke'

'Then prove it, challenge'

I went in, took my bag and came in a rush, took the box out and suddenly got a jerk in my brain, oops! I'm done now I slapped my head with my hand!
(An easy way to get out the information mostly among the kids is opposing them confronting them challenging them and done)

'Why did you even hid it?'
'Becoz it's contents got spilled..'

Well it was always this way dear.
© Masha